Redstone Unlimited

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Everything you need to know about Redstone Unlimited, including detailed feature list, changelog, permissions, configuration, usage tutorials and examples can be found in the Official Wiki on GitHub. In fact, I would suggest you to read the Wiki rather than this page as information there is more likely to be detailed and correct.

Please note that Redstone Unlimited v0.0.1 Beta will only work properly with CB1.7.2-R0.3+, as it relies on bugfixes implemented in this version of CraftBukkit (iron and gold pressure plates won't function correctly with older versions).


This page contains implemented features, features in development, planned features and removed features. Keep in mind that this plugin is still in its Beta stage and functionality may vary from time to time.

Additionally, I would recommend you to look at Usage Examples on the Official Wiki. There aren't much examples yet, but possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

# - Implemented feature
@ - Feature in development
$ - Planned Feature
X - Removed Feature

If you want to know more about plugin's functionality, refer to "Usage & Commands" page.

# - Permission-dependent pressure plates and buttons (since v0.0.1)
# - Player-dependent pressure plates and buttons (since v0.0.1)
# - Item-dependent pressure plates (since v0.0.1)
# - Mob-dependent pressure plates (since v0.0.1)
# - Water-resistant redstone (since v0.0.1)
# - Selective pistons (since v0.0.1)
# - Spawning pistons (since v0.0.1)
# - Destroying pistons (since v0.0.1)
@ - Counting pistons
@ - Info tool


Installing Redstone Unlimited is easy. First of all, make sure that the version of the plugin you've downloaded (!!!) is compatible with your CraftBukkit build. (This is important, because, for example, v0.0.1 Beta relies on bug fixes implemented in CraftBukkit-1.7.2-R0.3) If you haven't done so yet, download the RedstoneUnlimited.jar from here. Then, just drag & drop RedstoneUnlimited.jar into plugins folder in your server directory and reload the server. If a folder called Redstone_Unlimited have appeared in the plugins folder, your good to go, move on to Configuration.


Configuration is pretty easy and self-explanatory. Here's an example of a default <b>config.yml</b>: (as of v0.0.1 Beta)

# Redstone Unlimited
# For plugin information and downloads refer official BukkitDev page:
# For detailed information refer official GitHub page:

# This plugin utilises Metrics by
# If you don't want your anonymous data to be sent, set this to true
optOut: false

# Enables Pressure Plate module of Redstone Unlimited (true or false)
pressurePlateModule: true

# Enables Button module of Redstone Unlimited (true or false)
buttonModule: true

# Enables Redstone module of Redstone Unlimited (true or false)
redstoneModule: true
waterResistantRedstone: true

# Enables Piston module of Redstone Unlimited (true or false)
pistonModule: true

# Enables Redstone Block module of Redstone Unlimited (true or false)
redstoneBlockModule: true


This section displays permissions for RedstoneUnlimited. If you don't have any permission plugin yet, I would recommend "PermissionsEx":

redstoneunlimited.coretrueGives you access to <b>/ru</b> command. This commands just outputs current Redstone Unlimited version and whether there are any updates available.
redstoneunlimited.adminopGive you the ability to break, unregister or modify buttons, pressure plates or pistons owned by other player.
redstoneunlimited.pistonsopGives you access to the piston module and <b>/pistons</b> command.
redstoneunlimited.pplatesopGives you access to the pressure plate module and <b>/pplates</b> command.
redstoneunlimited.pplates.groups.*falseGives you access to all permission-dependant pressure plates.
redstoneunlimited.buttonsopGives you access to the button module and <b>/buttons</b> command.
redstoneunlimited.buttons.groups.*falseGives you access to all permission-dependant buttons.
Default values:
op - Permission is given to all ops by default
true - Permission is given to all players by default
false - Neither players nor ops have this permission by default


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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