Stats tracking

Stats tracking

This plugin depends on tracking your data. And i want to make this process as transparent as possible!

Below you can find all things i will track and for what they are used. If you have any question, feel free to drop me a pm!

All public view-able data can be seen at and there you can see, how your data will be displayed! If you have set enabled to false in the config.yml nothing will be tracked by my plugin!

NameSince VersionUsed forvisibility
Server IP2.0.1Fraud protectionprivate
Broken blocks per Player and Block type2.0.1Stats trackingpublic
Placed blocks per Player and Block type2.0.1Stats trackingpublic
Online Players2.0.3Stats tracking online timepublic
Plugin Version (server<->BukkitDev)2.0.3Update Checkingon your server
Player Movement2.0.4Stats tracking Blocks walkedpublic
Experience gained per Player2.0.4Stats trackingpublic
Downloading newest ranking2.0.5Ingame commandson your server


My plugin has to track many events that are happening on your server. It also has to upload all this data. This task can bring in many performance issues if implemented poorly (I/O in main thread etc.). I am trying to create a plugin, that in no way will impact the performance of any server you run it on. But there will be things i did not thought about, so if your server has issues with my plugin, please post a ticket explaining the problem.

Rest assured, that no networking is done on the Bukkit main thread and stats are highly cached, so it is normal for them to take some time, until they are viewed on the server.

Also, beginning with version 2.1.0 there will be PluginMetrics included. The data collected by Metrics can be viewed at and you can always opt-out by changing opt-out to false in config.yml inside the plugins/Plugin Metrics/ folder.

What is exactly read/sent by Metrics? (Copy from the metrics website)

It is not possible for Metrics to control the plugin in any way except for plugin-specific code the plugin author implements. Nothing is downloaded, so what you get is what the plugin author implemented.

The following data is read from the server in some way or another:

  • File Contents of plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml (created if not existent)
  • Players currently online (not max player count)
  • Server version string (the same version string you see in /version)
  • Plugin version of the metrics-supported plugin
  • Mineshafter status - it does not properly propagate Metrics requests however it is a very simple check and does not read the filesystem

The following data is sent to

  • Metrics revision of the implementing class
  • Server's GUID
  • Players currently online (not max player count)
  • Server version string (the same version string you see in /version)
  • Plugin version of the metrics-supported plugin
  • Any custom data the supporting plugin implements. This is variable and I am not responsible for this however usually it is just plugin-specific data (e.g for LWC, the database type: MySQL or SQLite, and Locale used (english, german)).


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