Ranged Wolves

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

RangedWolves - Bring out your hunting dogs!
Version: v1.0.2 - CB 1988 (1.1-R6)

Inactive until further notice!

Until setting targets for Wolves is fixed in CraftBukkit, I will not be releasing any updates. I will continue to add in any suggestions you may have, if I so choose, but I don't want to release something that doesn't work to the public. The builds I have now (1.0.2, 1.1, 1.2-Dev) don't even work for me, so they won't work for you.

This plugin allows for having your pet wolves attack your ranged target. In other words: if you attack a creature or player with any sort of projectile (arrow/snowball/etc), your wolves will attack that target!
I had been looking for this feature for a while and hadn't come across it, so I took it upon myself to build my java skills and make it happen!

Mob Arena is NOT required, however it is an awesome plugin.
If you do have Mob Arena, this is built against v0.94.4.64! This is a Dev build of MobArena, found here. I'd highly recommend giving it a try, and reading the changelog for it.

Many thanks to @garbagemule for helping me throughout the ordeal, and teaching me stuff about Java I didn't realize/learn yet in school. And also for making Mob Arena :)


  • Makes wolves attack your ranged Targets
    • Configurable for each World and (if applicable) each Arena
    • Checks for World PvP (and MobArena PvP)
  • 3 simple commands
    • "/rw reload" - reloads the configuration file
      • "/rw reloadMA" reruns the Mob Arena setup code and auto reloads
      • Ops only (and console)
    • "/rw retro" - searches for nearby wolves not already associated with their owner
      • Anyone can use this
      • Hopefully not required
  • Very few permission nodes required, see here



RangedWolves Forum


Things to know about the config.yml


Permission nodes: see here
NOTE! If not running any sort of permissions plugin, this should run as it always has, everyone can use it, and Ops get access to the reload commands


  • Any ideas will be considered (But not necessarily implemented)
  • Edit the way the config works. See this comment for how it will end up working.
  • Ensure wolves stay associated with their owner after server shut down/restart
    • Unless there's an easy way to get Wolves by their Unique IDs that I'm completely overlooking, this isn't happening any time soon.

Known Issues:

  • While testing on 1.2.X builds, I've noticed wolves don't actually go attack your target, even after playing with my code.
  • Server restarts still don't retain the relationships, although relogging and reloading does retain them.

Submitting a bug report:

  • Please provide as much information as you can so I can make bug fixes as quickly as possible
  • Please include:
    • CraftBukkit Build
    • MobArena Version number (if applicable)
    • StackTrace from your server.log file (if applicable)
    • Reproduction steps to help me track down and squash these nasty bugs!
      • The more detailed these are, the better!


Version 1.0.2 - 3/11/12

  • Fixed checking Max Wolf cap for offline players, they were able to get as many wolves as they could before, now they're capped.
    • Unfortunately, even if the player has permission to bypass the cap, I can't check an offline player's permissions.
  • Cleaned up the onEntityDamage listener some.
  • Fixed "/rw retro" command, it now takes into account if a nearby wolf's owner is offline or not, and the command now obeys the Max Wolf cap
  • Added checks to the "/rw reloadMA" command to make sure MobArena is on the server and enabled before running the reloads
  • Cleaned up "/rw reloadMA" command too
  • Added a return to onEntityTame to make sure I don't add untamed wolves to a player's list and falsely inform the player they tamed a wolf
  • Removed more references to my WIP targetting for now.

See all changes here


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 31, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 11, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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