Commands & Permissions

Commands & Permissions

Permission: RandomLocation.Use

/rSpawn <ZoneName> - Teleports you to a random location inside the zone

With RandomLocation.Use you can also use signs and portals

Permission: RandomLocation.Admin

/rLoc - Display help and other commands

/rLoc Create <ZoneName> - Creates a new zone

/rLoc pos1/2 <ZoneName> - Set the two corners of the zone, position is taken from where the player is at when using the command

/rLoc radius <ZoneName> <#Radius> - Used to quickly setup a zone. Pos1 and Pos2 will be set x (the amount specified at <#Radius>) blocks away from you. The y value will automatically be capped at 0 or 255

/rLoc fitWorldBorder <ZoneName> - If you have WorldBorder installed you can then fit the zone to the border of the world that the zone is in. Only works if there WorldBorder is installed and you have setup a border for that world. You can use it on elliptic and rectangular world borders

/rLoc option - Displays the available options that you can change for a zone

/rLoc option <ZoneName> info - See al available info for the zone

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setPerm <Permission> - Sets a custom permission for the zone. Permission will be formatted to "RandomLocation.<Permission>"

/rLoc option <ZoneName> useRange <true/false> - Enable/Disable the use of range. Range is used to limit the area from where the player can teleport from.

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setRange <#Range> - Set the actual range

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setRangeFrom <Zone/Custom> - Set where the range is calculated from

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setCustomRangeLocation - If setRangeFrom is set to Custom then this will set the location that the range is counted from

/rLoc option <ZoneName> keepDirection <true/false> - Wether or not players should remain their head rotation(yaw & pitch). If set to false then players will be faced north when teleported, if set to true players will be looking in the same direction and same degree as before they teleported

/rLoc option <ZoneName> mode <Ground/Air/Top> - Set mode.

- Ground makes players spawn on ground and lets you specify blocks to spawn on top with under GroundBlocks. You can then have players to for instance only spawn on grass, stone and sand (1,2,12).

- Air will spawn players high up in the air at y 300 and drop the player down. The plugin will to look for a safe location and players may end up falling into any thing like a pit of lava.

- Top will only spawn players at the highest block. You can provide a filter with TopBlocks which is blocks that the plugin will ignore when looking for the highest possible location. An example would be to add leaves (18) since then players will not spawn in canvas, but underneath the leaves on the trees

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setGroundBlocks <ListBlockIDsByComma> - Set blocks to spawn on with mode Ground. Example list /... setGroundBlocks 1,3,46,98, this would only spawn you on sone, dirt, tnt and stone bricks. Use /... setGroundBlocks clear to clear the list, making you spawn on all types of solid blocks

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setTopBlocks <ListBlockIDsByComma> - Set block filter when looking for highest block with mode Top. Example list /... setTopBlocks 18,20,89, this would let you spawn underneath leaves, glass and glowstone. Use /... setTopBlocks clear to clear the list, making you only spawn at the highest possible block

/rLoc option <ZoneName> setInvulnerability <Seconds> - Sets for how long players should be invulnerable and not taking any kind of damage after teleporting. Time is given in seconds, use whole number

/rLoc setType <ZoneName> <Type(tp/teleport/p/portal/ntp/nonTeleport> - Set zone type.

- Normal zones which are just created are by default set to tp(teleport). This means that you can teleport to the zone.

- If set to p(portal) then when ever you walk inside the zone it will teleport you.

- If set to ntp(nonTeleport) then it means that you cannot be teleported by another zone to a location that is inside the ntp zone. Say you got a large zone that goes 1000 blocks in all directions away from spawn called A. You don't want players to spawn 10 blocks away from spawn, though that is really bad luck. You then setup a zone 100 blocks in all directions from spawn called B and sets it to be a ntp zone. Players who teleport to zone A will then not spawn within 100 blocks from spawn as then is part of zone B which is a ntp zone.

/rLoc setPortalDest <ZoneNameOfPortal> <NameOfZoneToTeleportTo> - Set the destination zone for the portal. If you have a create a portal you then need to set the destination zone which you want to teleport to.

/rLoc del <ZoneName> - Delete a zone. This may not be recovered unless you use a backup

/rLoc list - List all zones categorized by type (tp,p,ntp)

/rPlayer <PlayerName> <ZoneName> - Teleport another player to a zone. All messages will be sent to the command executor, and the teleported player don't need any permissions and cooldowns will be ignored

/rReload - Reloads the config