
Welcome to the quarry plugin, mining on a bigger scale!

This plugin will enable you to easily and efficiently mine any ore without having to dig for it. A quarry is dug with a specified size until one of your ores is reached. You can then descend the staircase and mine your ore. You can continue with the current quarry operation if there is any ground left to mine, each time the quarry will stop at the next ore in your ore list. The quarry operation will stop when the last layer of bedrock is reached, at this point use the staircase to get back to the surface. Often you may want to abandon the operation as too much water or lava has spilled into your quarry. As an additional bonus the quarry plugin will allow you to create 3D polyominoes from blocks of TNT. This serves absolutely no purpose, but was a project I did for my sons school! It's quite good fun to detonate the TNT and watch it all explode.



/showore - will show all the ores that you can add to your mining list.

/showmyore - shows the ore that you have added to your mining list.

/addore <ore>|all - add an ore by name or add all the ores.

/quarry n where n is the length of side of the square.

/continue - continues with the current quarry operation after the discovered ore has been mined.

/delore <ore> - remove an ore from your mine list.

/polyomino n - create a 3D polyomino using n blocks.

- caution if you try and use too many blocks for the above (e.g. > 7) then your server may crash as it takes a lot of heap to create the polyomino


This plugin is designed to work on version 1.6.4 of Craft Bukkit. Simply drop the jar file into the plugin folder.


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