Config Setup

Scroll down to see a detailed description of each config option and how to use it.

Here is the current default config:

    Enabled: true             #Turns off making people unsafe
    NameTag Color: 'c'        #Color that the nametag of unsafe people will be
    Prevent Teleport: true    #Players who are tagged can/cannot teleport
    Remove Invisible: true    #Makes people who are unsafe visible
    Disable Enderpearls: true #Disables enderpearls for people who are unsafe
    Anti Pilejump: false      #Only the people who were PVPing in the unsafe zone can continue to pvp
    Disable Flying: true      #Stops flight for those who aren't safe
    Safe Time: 30
    Disabled Worlds: 'example1,example2'
    Use TagAPI: true
    Disabled Commands: 'warp,heal'
        Enabled: false
        Console Unsafe: 'gamemode PLAYER 0,say &4Announcement: &6PLAYER &chas just become unsafe at PLAYERLOCATION'
        Player Unsafe: 'md'
        Console Safe: 'heal PLAYER'
        Player Safe: 'home'
        PLAYERLOCATION Setup: 'x: X, y: Y, z: Z in world WORLD'
    DeathTP Enabled: true
    DeathTP Time: 30         #Amount of seconds before players can teleport after death
    DeathChest Enabled: true
    Chest Time: 45           #Amount of seconds before deathchests are open for everyone
    Chest Deletion: 300      #Amount of seconds before deathchests automatically delete themselves
PvPLogger Zombie:
    Enabled: true
    Keep Player Health: true #Set true to make the zombie spawn with the player's health
    Health: 50
Scoreboard Display:
    Safe Time: true
Auto update: false            #Auto update the plugin from
Send Usage: true             #Sends plugin usage statistics.

Specific sections and their uses:


  • Set this to true to allow the plugin to make people unsafe and false to disable the plugin.
NameTag Color
Prevent Teleport
  • Set this to true to disallow players who are unsafe the ability to teleport. This may break some things like WorldBorders and no-entry Worldguard zones. If that's an issue for you, you need to deny all teleport commands in the Disabled Commands section. However, they will likely still be able to teleport if someone uses a "tphere" command on them.
Remove Invisible
  • Set this to true to disallow the use of invisibility potions by players who are unsafe.
Disable Enderpearls
  • Set this to true to disallow the use of enderpearls for players who are unsafe.
Anti Pilejump
  • This option is a bit trickier to define. Let's say two players are in an arena and they are fighting. Both of them are unsafe. If they exit that arena into a no-pvp zone, they will remain unsafe as long as they keep fighting. In this scenario, if this option was true, players who are safe would not be able to attack them because they were not part of the original fight which started in the arena. If this option was false, all players would be able to attack them whether they are safe or unsafe.
Disable Flying
  • Set this to true to disallow flight for players who are unsafe.
Safe Time
  • Set this to an integer number. This number will be the amount of seconds a player is unsafe for. The time until a player is safe will reset to this number every time the player is attacked or the player attacks somebody else.
Disabled Worlds
  • Set this to a list of world names inside a grouping of apostrophes. The plugin will not run in these worlds. The names should be separated by a comma if there are more than one.
Use TagAPI
  • Set this to true if you'd like for players nametags to change colors when they are made unsafe. If this is true, it is required that you have the "plugin" TagAPI on your server.
Disabled Commands
  • Set this to a list of commands which you would not like a player to be able to use while unsafe. Do not include the opening /, unless it is a command which has two front slashes. For example: to disallow /heal, write heal. To disallow / /wand, write /wand. The list should be enclosed in a group of apostrophes and separated by commas.


  • For any command where text will be broadcast, color codes may be used. See the default config for examples.
  • Set this to true to enable the use of automated command running as configured. Starts off as false so I can provide examples without altering the gameplay of servers who will auto update into this without the chance of configuring their commands.
Console Unsafe
  • Set this to a group of commands to be run through the console when a player is made unsafe. Variables: PLAYER, PLAYERLOCATION. If you have any more suggestions, let me know. These commands should be enclosed in a group of apostrophes and separated by commas. Do not include a forward slash at the beginning.
Player Unsafe
  • Set this to a group of commands to be run by a player when he is made unsafe. These commands should be enclosed in a group of apostrophes and separated by commas. Do not include a forward slash at the beginning.
Console Safe
  • Set this to a group of commands to be run through the console when a player is made safe. Variables: PLAYER, PLAYERLOCATION. If you have any more suggestions, let me know. These commands should be enclosed in a group of apostrophes and separated by commas. Do not include a forward slash at the beginning.
Player Safe
  • Set this to a group of commands to be run by a player when he is made safe. These commands should be enclosed in a group of apostrophes and separated by commas. Do not include a forward slash at the beginning.
  • The text setup of the PLAYERLOCATION variable used in Console Safe and Console Unsafe. Variables: X, Y, Z, WORLD. They correspond to the player's location.

This is a work in progress. The rest of the config will be added later.


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