Project Roleplay

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This plugin currently incorporates

[Chat System] - [Economy] - [Jobs] - [Faction/Races] - [Door Locks] - [Store] - [Custom Drops]

Plugin Information

Project Roleplay was an idea I had a while ago when trying to help a small server get started. There were many plugins floating around that I wanted to merge into a single plugin for servers to utilize. Unlike MCMMO this plugin will be focusing on user generated content and roleplay content. This plugin does NOT do (Many) MMO things, Such as leveling systems, or skill systems[Yet?]. There are still many things I wish to incorporate into the plugin, however; and after release plugin additions will be generated from the user base based on demand(Most likely strawpoll or a form of).
Currently Project Roleplay is in QA and Refinement stages, and is not yet available to the public. Upon release the first enhancements will be more plugin customization using the configs.


Chat System

The chat system in this game is exactly how a roleplay server should have it. The Chat System has different functions, here is how they work.
OOC, Also known as out of character, is broadcasted to the entire server. To access OOC chat the player may put (( before his message, or, toggle it using /OOC. Toggling allows the players to type without (( and still have messages sent to the server.
Channels are temporary user made group chats. Users may only use one channel at a time, and the channel broadcasts the messages to anyone currently in it. Channels have alerts to when a player joins and leaves (Don't worry, players cannot fake the message)
Your standard /whisper system. /r has not been incorporated yet, but is planned for the future.
The default chat. When a user talks in "normal" chat say is used. Say has a limited distance(Configurable) and goes equally X/Y/Z from the player. Players who have ooc toggled or are in a custom chat may use /say to access this.
Similar in function to say, shout has a wider distance and has a unique gold color (not configurable). Players may shortcut shout by adding !! to the end of their message. using more than two !! will still shortcut as the last two characters are exclamation points.
Players using /me will post their "actions" into chat. example "/me Is writing up a plugin page" would send "Sevlon Is writing up a plugin page" into chat.
Server OPs(Default) and admins can mute other players in game. Either by /mute or /muteall. However, if the server restarts the player(s) will no longer be muted. The solution to this is to add the deny permissions to this player to permanently mute him/her.
OPs can spy on ALL chat. Yes, i mean ALL chat. whisper, me, channel, ooc(duh) and shout. It is encouraged that OPs give players their privacy and only do this when griefing or bullying is occurring in the server and you need to address the problem. With support I may introduce a logging for all chat for OPs.


Normal-Chat-Range-Enabled: true #Do you want to use restricted chat ranges?
Normal-Chat-Range-Distance: 10 #Max Distance?
Me-Chat-Range-Enabled: true
Me-Chat-Range-Distance: 5
Shout-Chat-Range-Enabled: true
Shout-Chat-Range-Distance: 20


This plugin, being roleplay, uses a physical item for it's currency. Currently you cannot change the item, so the default (and only) item is a gold nugget. However, this nugget is a custom item and cannot be crafted by players IF you do not have a plugin that allows users to create custom items in game. These coins can be looted by other players, whether that is by murder or destruction of chests. Tip: If you have essentials installed you may use /more to get more gold (As an OP) if you wish to hand out gold.


Jobs are the best way to make money. As a matter of fact, jobs are the ONLY way for players to make money. The jobs will deposit gold directly into the players inventory so no one else may take it. However, if the player's inventory is full, the gold will be dropped at the players feet with the text "Your inventory is full and you cannot be paid.". There are currently 12 sources of income a job can have. a job can have between 1 source and ALL 12 sources. Here are the sources of income a job may have


Sources are broken down into catagory, what action the player needs to do. After that is the actual item, each item is 1 of the 12 ways. For example a player can have Animals and Monsters, and each time he/she kills an animal or monster they trigger a possible gold drop.



Block Break:

Ore (All Ore(No Silk Touch))
Earth(Blocks affected by shovels)
Farming(Breaking Fully Grown Plants: Potato, Carrot, Melon(No Silk Touch), Crops(Wheat), Cocoa)

New Item Creation:

Crafting(All items)
Enchanting(All Items)
Blacksmith(Repairing any item)
Smelter(Taking Creations from furnace)
Fishing(Successfully pulling in a fish item)


Below is an example of a job, with comments to assist what each line does.

  Killer: #This is the name of the job, and will be given to players when they use /job list
    GoldFrom: #What sources of income does this job have?
      - Players
      - NPC
    Chance: 25 #A n/100 chance(Cannot be larger than 100.)  25% of the time when a player kills another player/Npc the game will give the player gold.
    AmountStart: 1 #Least amount of gold to be paid out at once.(WARNING, This MUST be smaller than AmountEnd. They may be the same number though. Like 10 and 10.)
    AmountEnd: 10 #Highest amount of gold to be paid out at once.


Factions/Races are a way for players to pick what they want to be in your server. A wolf? A pirate? A duck? Sure! How about Red or Blue? Yup you can do that too. The race system in the plugin is currently very bare, but includes allies, enemies and permanent potion effects. Allies cannot directly harm each other. Which means that splash potions, falling gravel ect can still harm your allies.Enemies on the other hand are a different story. If allowed (Configurable) Enemies can be directly pvped.


Below is an example of a race, with comments to assist what each line does.

  Dwarf:  #Race name
    Allies:  #Their Allies in this file
      - Elv
    Enemies: #Their enemies
      - Human
    PermPotEffects: #Bukkit API Strings. [Effect][Amp]

Door Locks

Project RP is not a grief prevention system, so PLEASE keep that in mind. Players can break around doors to still get access to homes if you do not have a grief prevention system. This feature is more designed for white listed server who allow griefing if "the door is unlocked or you have a key". Players may lock any unowned door, and make it so that no one else can open it, not even with redstone. Locking an iron door makes it act like a wooden door, and right clicks will open it. Owners of these doors may now do two things. 1) Add a player to own that door, and ONLY that door. Be careful, to destroy that door all owners must be removed/unlocked. This is to prevent door owners from griefing each other. 2) Give a key to another player that will allow them to access all doors that you(The player who created the door) own. Keys can be traded from player to player, dropped, or even stolen, so be careful! Players with keys cannot destroy doors.


The store allows users to purchase items with their hard earned gold. It even allows OPs to make custom items! Want a sword with 100 knockback, a green name and some crazy lore? You can do that! Currently the shop system is a work in progress, and may or may not be updated upon release. Currently there is only 1 store, my hope is to be able to have OPs add different stores to signs. Allowing ops to create as many stores as they like, and cherry pick which stores go where.


Below is an example of a store item, with comments to assist what each line does.

   Item1: #Place holder for this item.
      Item: WOOD_SWORD #Bukkit API String for the item.
      Name: Custom Name # Self Explanatory 
      NameColor: # (This item has no name color)
         - Lore line 1
         - lore line 2
         - KNOCKBACK 5 #Notice how this is an unsafe number. I could put 10 here if i like.
         - FIRE_ASPECT 1
      Cost: 20


Custom drops are how the OPs add those legendary once in a lifetime item, or that piece of crap wood sword you wish would go away. Drops are very MMO styled and have set rarities. The rarity can be changed by the server OP. Rarities type can only be 1 of 5 things. I will also include the default values for each.
Common 1/10 mobs
Uncommon 1/100 Mobs
Rare 1/1000 Mobs
Epic1/10,000 Mobs
Legendary 1/100,000 Mobs
Each value can be changed. If you want rare items to drop more you can make it 1/500. You cannot add a new rarity, you must work with those 5.


Below is an example of a dropped item, with comments to assist what each line does.

   TestDrop1: #place holder
      Mobs: #Mobs to drop from
         - Sheep
      Item: WOOD_PICKAXE
      Name: Custom Name
      NameColor: blue
         - Lore line 1
         - lore line 2
      Enchantments: #Unsafe allowed
         - DURABILITY 2
         - KNOCKBACK 3
         - FIRE_ASPECT 1
      Rarity: common #Drop chance. Check Config.YML to chance chance 


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 11, 2016
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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