Auto Pickup

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Prison Auto-Pickup

Prison Auto-Pickup is a plugin in progress that my developer team and I are currently working on. We make it so you can

1) Turn your items into a block, 2) Auto-smelt your items, 3) When mined an item, It goes straight to your inventory!

If you would like to be in my developer team, Please private message me and I'll take you into consideration.

If you would like to see how the plugin works, please come to our server at, If you didn't know, It's hosted on a vps.

If you would like us to make a customary plugin for you? Message me and i'll get to it.

Commands and Permissions:

As we are currently editing the plugin, we'll slowly add more permissions and commands to it. The current ones are:

/AutoPickup - Displays the help screen /AutoSell toggle - Toggles auto sell. This only works if the plugin QuickSell is installed - Permission: AutoSell.toggle /AutoPickup toggle - Toggles auto pickup - Permission: AutoPickup.toggle /AutoBlock toggle - Toggles auto block - Permission: AutoBlock.toggle /AutoBlock - Turns anything that can be into a block - Permission: AutoBlock.command /AutoSmelt - Smelts anything that can be smelted in your inventory - Permission: AutoSmelt.command /AutoSmelt toggle - Toggles auto smelt - Permission: AutoSmelt.toggle /AutoSmelt reload - Reloads the plugin - Permission: AutoPickup.reload AutoPickup.infinity - If it's enabled in the config.yml, this permission stops players' picks from breaking AutoPickup.enabled - Gives a player autopickup when they join the server AutoBlock.enabled - Gives a player autoblock when they join the server AutoSmelt.enabled - Gives a player autosmelt when they join the server AutoSell.enabled - Gives a player autosell when they join the server. Requires Quicksell

Terms and Conditions

If you download and use this plugin, You agree to our Terms & Conditions. However, if you don't agree to them we will make a public lawsuit!

Rule 1) You have to keep _ItsNick_ and CSheep as the owners of the plugin. Rule 2) You cannot claim this as your OWN plugin. Rule 3) You're allowed to edit the config.yml, but the .yml items in the folder named, 'Do not touch', you can not edit.

(Edit: Uploading more T&Q Soon)


Does it work with 1.8 and above?

Yes, our plugin will work with 1.8 and above.

Does it violate EULA?

No, we agree with the latest EULA, but not the buycraft one.

When is the next update?

The next update will rather be when 1.9 comes out.

When will it be released?

It'll be released in the update; 1.9


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 23, 2015
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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