Prestige - Kill Tracker and Rankup System

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Do you want an easy to use, command-configured kill-tracking plugin? Do you want enemies with more kills to be more rewardable targets? Look no further than the Prestige plugin!

How it Works

With the Prestige plugin, each player starts out with 10 "prestige". Lets consider two players, Player A and Player B. When Player A kills Player B, he earns prestige equal to a certain configurable percent of Player B's prestige, but Player B still retains his prestige. So if Player A and Player B both had 10 prestige, and the configurable percent was 10%, Player A would now have 11 prestige and Player B would have 10 prestige. Players can also rank up to new ranks with commands once they reach the required prestige. With this system, players receive more reward for a bigger, and subsequently riskier, target.


First and foremost, download Vault, the one and only dependency of Prestige. Luckily, prestige is simple to setup; you don't even have to touch the config to be able to configure all the rankups and values (in fact, I highly suggest not to do so); you can do it all with commands! Type /prestige help for all the commands that you have permission to execute. They are self-explanatory.

There are also five permission nodes.

  • prestige.amount to check prestige of yourself and others.
  • prestige.earn to be able to receive prestige for your kills.
  • prestige.rankup to use the rankup features. Don't give this to players if you don't want them using this feature!
  • prestige.mod to be able to set, add, and subtract prestige from a player.
  • prestige.admin to be able to configure all the values.

What You Can Do to Help!

I am a very active author, and I will always check the issue tracker for bugs and check the comments for suggestions! Please provide suggestions and report bugs so that I can make improvements :D.

Things to Do

  • Make a top list.
  • Add economy support so that prestige and money can both be used for rankups.


All Rights Reserved, meaning that you cannot reproduce, adapt, or distribute my work without my permission.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 14, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 14, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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