
What does the plugin do?

The plugin rewards players for killing other players. The player is rewarded with a percentage of points which they can convert to emeralds for use in villager trade. Admins have the ability to reset player points and give points. Players points are stored in a database making it so the points carry over between games even if the server is shutdown. This plugin is great for any survival server wanting to make PvP a more rewarding experience.

What are some of the commands?

  • /points Can give you the current amount of points you have or another player has.
  • /pointsReset Allows operators to reset a players points if the are suspected of boosting.
  • /pointsGive Allows operators to give a player a certain amount of points.
  • /token Allows you to convert a certain amount of points to emeralds.

What does this plugin include?

  • A config file to be able to set players starting points and the percentage of points given when a player kills another player.
  • The ability to rank up with points.
  • The ability to use this as a form of economy.
  • The plugin automatically checks for updates.

Support Me!

Please donate so I can continue to make plugins such as this one. If you don't want to donate telling your friends about the plugin is great way to support me too!


The source code for this project is available here.

I hope to put out a new version soon


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 5, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jan 14, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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