
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

PlayerRules plugin help you blacklist items and blocks what you don't want player are allowed to use.
Plugin also support now multi worlds, so now you can set different rules different worlds.
You can blacklist as many items and blocks you want.

If someone want continue this project, then go a head. (post in this thread your link) You found plugin source from my Github.

Where i can use this plugin?
Example. If you have minigame or hunger games -world, you can easily disable all block breaking OR disallow items/blocks from normal world.

Open Source


  • Easy to setup and use.
  • Global and single world blocks and items blacklist.
  • Can disallow single or multi, blocks place/break.
  • Can disallow single or multi, items or blocks drop in.
  • Can disallow single or multi, items using.
  • Can blacklist all blocks and items with one line -> - all
  • Warning system.
  • Permissions.


HINT: You never need reload all plugins when you edit config file, because every time when player drop, place or break its just check id from list.


Use block/item id, you can see all id here:
When want add block/item blacklist, make new line and start it - THEN id example: - 1

Global: # Global disallow blocks/items.
   - 7
   - 0
   - 7
   - 0
   - 7
   - 0
   - 259
   - 328


You can set as many worlds you want where is different disallow drop, use, break and place rules.

World: # Single world disallow blocks/items.
  world_nether: # <- World name here
     - 7
     - 0
     - 1
     - 0
     - 7
     - 0
     - 259
     - 328


This feature help keep spammer away, who try over flood server for placing same block over and over.
I personally recommend keep this feature always enable ;)

  # Enable/disable warning system. (true = Enable || false = Disable)
  WarnEnable: true

  # Get this message when try break/use/place/drop no allowed item/block. ( %WARNSTATUS = Display how much warn player already have. || %MAXWARN = Display what is max warn before kick. )
  # How many time need break/use/place/drop, before plugin give warn.
  XWarn: 8
  # Max warn before kick. (Use 1 OR 0 if want "insta" kick)
  MaxWarn: 3


You can customize messages when player are not allow place or break or drop the block/item.
If you don't want display NoAllow message to player all the time, then change true to false (from Display:)

  # true = Display message when not allow. || false = No display message when not allow.
  Display: true
  # true = Display "[PlayerRules]" prefix. || false = No display "[PlayerRules]" prefix.
  Prefix: true
  # %NAME = Block or Item name.
  NoAllowBreak: "§cYou are not allow break§4 %NAME §cblock!"
  NoAllowPlace: "§cYou are not allow place§4 %NAME §cblock!"
  NoAllowDrop: "§cYou are not allow drop§4 %NAME §cblock/item!"
  NoAllowUse: "§cYou are not allow use§4 %NAME §cblock/item!"

MCStats / Metrics

This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

Read more here


pr.bypass.*Bypass all.Op
pr.bypass.dropBypass drop blacklist.Op
pr.bypass.placeBypass place blacklist.Op
pr.bypass.breakBypass break blacklist.Op
pr.bypass.useBypass use blacklist.Op

Todo list

  • Anti Enchant (Cant enchant item if it's in blacklist)
  • Anti Craft (Cant craft item or block if it's in blacklist)
  • Anti Potions
  • Anti Use (Cant use item if it's in blacklist. example flint and steel, minecart or hopper)
  • Each world have own rules (You can set where world block/item is allowed/disallowed)
  • Any suggestions?

Known bugs

  • Can't disallow minecarts.
  • I don't add enchant and craft disallow feature yet, because there is duplicate glitch. What i try fix.
    If you find any bug please report it to the author



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