Player Worlds

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Player Worlds

What is it?

Player Worlds is a plugin which allows players to create their own building space in a new world file called "PlayerWorld". This provides the player a customizable sized plot to build on that is protected from other users (not including OPs, and admins). Player Worlds also has the ability to invite, remove, and join other players. Player Worlds can also have customizable spawn points (provided within plugin, no /sethome needed) and can easily set where your house is in there.


Player Worlds can be any size (Be careful on how large you make it.) and provides a 6 block thick land, with grass, stone, and random ore generation. Ore Chances

  • Diamond - 5%
  • Gold - 7%
  • Iron - 11%
  • Coal - 27%

How to use

In order for the plugin to work, every time the server starts up you MUST do [/setup] or else it will not work sadly (This does NOT include reloading the server). Then any player with the permission may use [/world create] to create their own plot, which after this they may not do again unless you set their hasPlot value in the config to false.


  • /setup -Initiates the world to use, if any command used before this then it will mess up the config for the player.
  • /world create -Creates the plot for the player
  • /world join [Player name] -If requested by the player from /world add, then it will join. If not then it will ask to join for them.
  • /world add [Player name] -Sends a request to a player to allow them to join
  • /world remove [Player name] -If another player is inside their plot, it will remove them,
  • /world spawn -Teleports the player to their spawn point, there is a default if they didn't set it yet.
  • /world setspawn -Sets the spawn point for their world.
  • world.admin.setup
  • world.create
  • world.join


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 10, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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