
A heavily commented config file:

# Possible values for alert-updates are "main", "dev", and "none"
# "main" will only alert you when a new update has been approved by bukkit
# "dev" will alert you whenever the author posts a new version for download
# "none" will disable all alerts for updated versions.
alert-updates: main

# shows detailed error messages and stack traces when set to true:
debug: false

# attempts to use DNSBL to check joining players for open proxies.  Only works if "enable-onJoin" is also set to true
check-proxies: true

# If you don't want anyone to see the onJoin messages, you can disable them here to save a little bit of processing power
enable-onJoin: true

#local-db is defaulted to true, set to false if you only want to use MCBans or MCBouncer lookups:
local-db: true

#persistence-days allows you to clear old entries automatically from the database.  This prevents the
# database size from becoming too large and outdated.  If set to 0, no entries will be cleared by this process. 
persistence-days: 60

#mysql-enable is defaulted to false, but if you already have a mysql database and would prefer to use that,
# set that to true, and fill out the details.
mysql-enable: false

## If using mysql, fill out the following with the relevant info:
mysql-database: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
mysql-user: root
mysql-password: root

##mysql-table is defaulted to this value, but it really doesn't 
## matter what you choose, but if you change it later you will
## be unable to access your previously accumulated data 
## until you change it back:
mysql-table: player-tracker

#mcbans-enable is set to false by default.  If you have a valid 
# API Key, you can set this to true and put the API key value
# in the appropriate field:
mcbans-enable: false
mcbans-API-key: 0

#mcbouncer-enable is set to false by default.  If you have a 
# valid API Key, you can set this to true and put the API key
# value in the appropriate field:
mcbouncer-enable: true
mcbouncer-API-key: 0

#minebans-enable is set to false by default.  If you have a 
# valid API Key, you can set this to true and put the API key
# value in the appropriate field:
minebans-enable: true
minebans-API-key: 0

#glizer-enable is set to false by default.  If you have a 
# valid API Key, you can set this to true and put the API key
# value in the appropriate field:
glizer-enable: false
glizer-API-key: 0

#This is set up as a list, you can see how it works here:
- Notch
# Any account or IP address that you put in this list will not be able to
# be looked up with /track unless the player doing the
# lookup has the playertracker.hidetracks.override
# permission node.