Player Skull Dropping


This is a simple but fun plugin that drop the skull of a player in some special case.
I've got this spirit by one of my friend who wants to get my skull in a survival server. I've perfectly known some plugin which is very similar to this,but my plugin is quiet different from it. If you have any suggestion with this plugin or you discover some problem of this plugin. I can't wait to receive your feedback!


There are some features of this plugin below:

  1. Drop the skull when, and only when a player kills another player with a sword with specified property
  2. Drop skull randomly(And there are many factors to influence the ratio)
  3. Configurable weapon list & limited number of skull dropping for one weapon.
  4. By-pass list to avoid head dropping for some special player
  5. Custom tools list which is used to set the usable tools for skull-dropping
  6. A award system which can award the player who got a skull by this plugin randomly (Configurable)
  7. Broadcast system & Mob skull drop control


Enable (default=true) the enablity of this plugin
Enable_Award (default=false) active the award system or not
Ratio (default='35%')the ratio of skull dropping
Award_Ratio (default='0%')the ratio of award
Award_Enchantment (default=17)the award enchantment type
Award_Level (default=0)the award level of enchantment
Need-Enchantment (default=true)demand enchantment or not
Enchantment-Id (default=21)'looting' is the default enchantment
Maximum (default=1)the maximum number of the skull dropping for every sword
Record (default=true)record the victims of the sword with item lore ===== (Just like achievement?_(:з」∠)_)
By-pass (default=empty?)by-pass list
Weapons (default = 4 kinds of swords)usable tools for skull looting (By id)
Allow-Mob-Drop (default = false)allow mobs to drop skull
Mob-Drop-Ratio (default = 'SELDOM')the ratio of dropping mobs' skull (If you want this option to be valid ,set 'Allow-Mob-Drop' to true)
Broadcast (default = false)enable or disable broadcast when a player's skull was dropped
Message (default = '{killer} killed {victim} and cut down his head') the message that will be broadcast (use '{killer}' or '{victim}' to indicate player's name)

Award System

When a player kill another player and get the dropped skull of the player successfully. The weapon on the player's hand can get a award enchantment(depends on the configuration) For instance,if 'Award_Enchantment'=17 'Award_Ratio'=2% 'Award_Level'=5 then , the weapon will be add a 'Sharpness V' enchantment in half a chance (A awful explanation [doge face])


'sd' is a abbreviation of skull-dropping (Italic command means 'need op permission')

  • /sd enable - enable this plugin
  • /sd disable - disable this plugin
  • /sd reload - reload the configurations of this plugin
  • /sd ratio <ratio> - set the ratio (Deprecated : Suggest to change the ratio in config.yml)
  • /ds fetch <name> - get a skull of specified player
  • /sd ratio - show current ratio
  • /sd info - show the information messages
  • /sd ? | help - show the help text


This is the first plugin that I publish,Please forgive my poor English.If you have any suggestions or comments,I‘m very glad to listen to it

Sorry for my careless..

When I am checking my code,I discovered a big bug:

import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;

And I suddenly realize that this import may cause exception on some bukkit(or all?) Gosh!

U can also download the source code of this plugin in GitHub

OwO wish u can enjoy my plugin!


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