Plants Vs. Zombies

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Intro to PvZ

Plants vs. Zombies is the minecraft version of the popular iOS and Android (and pc, xbox, everything.....) game. This version of PvZ strives to resemble the original game while still having the fun of minecraft! This means that some modifications had to be made. The plugin is simple for both admins and players. It is fully customizable through custom messages and an extensive, but easy-to-use configuration. Perhaps the best part is that Plants vs. Zombies is fun with almost any number of players. If you want the game to start after only 2 players join, you can do that, and if you would like a different plants to zombies ratio, that's also configurable!

Special thanks to FlamingAmazingGaming for creating this video. Check out his channel!

How It Works

Players first join a game using the /pvz join command. Different classes of plants or zombies can then be chosen with the /pvz type command. Once a game starts, players will be teleported to a plant spawn or zombie spawn, depending on which one they were selected to be. The plants try their best to survive the attacks of zombies for a configurable amount of time (default is 120 seconds). The zombies must reach the end of each row to win.


  • Config allows for all kinds of details to be changed to best fit your server
  • Multiple arenas
  • Built in selection tool (no need for World Edit)
  • Semi-easy arena setup
  • Multiworld support
  • Different kinds of plants and zombies, each with their own abilities and permissions (so you can add them to a rank on your server)
  • Good-looking scoreboard to let you know how much time is left and how many more rows need to be captured
  • Zombie slowness
  • Optional mob disguises
  • Fireworks!


There are no hard dependencies, but if you would like to disguise players as mobs, simply set "use disguise craft" to true in your config.yml and add DisguiseCraft to your plugins folder.

Bugs and Feedback

If you find a bug, please submit a ticket. If you think of something that you would like to see implemented into PvZ, please post a comment. We are planning to add a few more features in the future to make the plugin more fun to play. We will also be releasing a video and two maps to play on fairly soon (one to two weeks). Here are a few of our plans for the future:

  • Create a tutorial video as well as a gameplay video
  • Upload maps
  • Add more plant and zombie types
  • Possibly add waves of zombies (with configurable real zombies)
  • Possibly add an enderdragon bar or more stats to the scoreboard
  • Make some minor adjustments to make the game more fun to play
  • Add a command to delete arenas
  • Teleport players to a lobby when games end
  • Add a command to create a lobby


You can view the PvZ code at Feel free to make pull requests. Your input is valuable!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 1, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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