
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ParticleWorkshop allows you to make use of in-game particles for decoration, fun and more. For example, you can use smoke particle as a chimney on your house. ParticleWorkshop will take care of repeatedly showing chosen particle effect at a specific location. There are lots of planned features, which will be implemented later on.


  • Place particle on a block or an entity!
  • All particles are persistent
  • You can remove particles if you wish
  • Choose count of particles
  • You can currently only remove particles you(not someone else) have placed

Planned features

  • "Quota system" - limit particle count per player
  • Removing particles


The plugin is currently in alpha and is very buggy. You can download it if you want to mess around, but you should think twice before putting it on a production server... Download the latest version JAR and copy it to your plugins folder. That's all you need to do!


I've updated internal help in plugin, so it should now tell you what arguments each command needs...

Adding Particles

Currently, you can only place particles using a particle wand. That means, you put item in your hand, run this command and then click blocks/enties. When you add a particle(right-click block/entity), it'll tell you number it had assigned. This number will be useful to you once you'll want to remove your particle(there is, however, a way to obtain it, read on).



The particle effect to play. Can be any of these(copied from bukkit docs):

  • BLAZE_SHOOT -Sound of blaze firing.
  • BOW_FIRE - Sound of a bow firing.
  • CLICK1 - A click sound.
  • CLICK2 - An alternate click sound.
  • DOOR_TOGGLE - Sound of a door opening/closing.
  • ENDER_SIGNAL - An ender eye signal; a visual effect.
  • EXTINGUISH - Sound of fire being extinguished.
  • GHAST_SHOOT - Sound of ghast firing.
  • GHAST_SHRIEK - Sound of ghast shrieking.
  • MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES - The flames seen on a mobspawner; a visual effect.
  • POTION_BREAK - Visual effect of a splash potion breaking.
  • RECORD_PLAY - A song from a record.
  • SMOKE - A visual smoke effect.
  • STEP_SOUND - Sound of a block breaking.
  • ZOMBIE_CHEW_IRON_DOOR - Sound of zombies chewing on iron doors.
  • ZOMBIE_CHEW_WOODEN_DOOR - Sound of zombies chewing on wooden doors.
  • ZOMBIE_DESTROY_DOOR - Sound of zombies destroying a door.


Relative coordinates to the clicked block/entity/player. The format is the same as you'd use with command blocks - the (tilde) notation. ~ ~ ~ is the same as 0 0 0. Absolute coordinates are currently not supported.


Options can be used to further adjust how the particle behaves.

Here's a complete list of all options:

  • -d : Data: specify data for the particle. Each effect has different data. Look it up on minecraft coalition/wiki/wherever...
  • -c : Count: How many times should the particle be played(it can also be understood as 'density')

Removing particles

To remove a particle, you need to know its number first. The command is as follows: /pws rm <particle_number>

You can currently only remove your particles

Listing particles

You won't be notified of multiple pages, but plugin will throw an error if you ask for nonexistent page, so use it wisely: /pws ls [page]

You'll see something like: 0_10xSMOKE_[-354;20;-641] 1_1xENDER_SIGNAL_[-516;48;4488]

That means, that particle number 0 is SMOKE with count=10 on block coordinates x = -354, y = 20, z = -641 etc.

Number 1 is ENDER_SIGNAL particle with count=1 at x = -516, y = 48, z = 4488

Note: In current version, particles won't be sorted ascending or descending, the order is random.

Example commands

Some example commands can be seen in Images section here:

To achieve the same thing you'd achieve with /chimney wand, use this command:

/pws wand SMOKE -d 4 -c 10 ~ 1 ~


ParticleWorkshop will generate its own configuration file at plugins/ParticleWorkshop/config.yml after first server startup with the plugin installed.

Migrating from chimneys

I know some users will be migrating from my older plugin Chimneys SMP. I'll write a complex guide how to do that without getting rid of your chimneys once this plugin will be at version stable 0.1.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 24, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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