

OPTokens is a stand-alone economy plugin that allows users to take virtual tokens that can be later used for anything that the admin wants.


Since this is a stand-alone economy, you will not require any other modification, that includes Vault.

More Description

OPTokens will create a economy database automatically and allows Admins and people with the token permission to give and remove tokens from players accounts. You can set this up to a buycraft website so players can buy tokens online and with the /token give it will give the players the tokens. Players without the token permission will only be able to check theirs and others balances. The tokens plugin will not do much on its own but can be adapted to do a lot of cool interesting things.


/token give {player} {amount} - Gives specified amount of tokens to specified player

/token remove {player} {amount} - Removes specified amount of tokens to specified player

/tokens - Displays users tokens//

/tokens {player} - Displays specified players tokens

/tokens pay {player} {amount} - Pays a player a desired amount of tokens


tokens - Allows player to use all of the /token commands. Main and only permission


The plugin will create a config.yml. This will store the players names/accounts and balances, as well as startingMoney, it will look like this:

#      OPTokens      #
#    By ollirules    #    

# If you reload the server, this config will be messed up. To partially fix, open in Notepad++ #

# The money a player gets when joining for the first time
startingMoney: 10

# Whether people using the /token give command have unlimited money.
# This is good if you only let admins use the /token commands.
tokenUnlimitedMoney: true

# Whether a Message is diplayed when a player joins for the first time
joinMessage: true

YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE THE BALANCE THROUGH THE CONFIG.YML If you try to edit the balance amount it will just revert back to what it was before. The only way to change users account balances is in-game. The account balance will always have a decimal point in it.

NOTE: If you reload the server, when opening the config.yml in notepad, it will reformat into one line. To partially fix this, open in Notepad++

To Do

- Welcome Message

- Fix config.yml

Please leave suggestions in the comments or leave a ticket


Please donate to help me with future projects!

No donation is to small, just anything will help.



If you use this plugin on your server. Please PM me your server IP and I may join sometime!


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