
# OnSign Configuration File
# Author: Edge209

#Version of this config file DO NOT CHANGE THIS
configVersion: 2
# MySQL - This *MUST* be enabled and properly set up if MySQL is to be used for data storage 
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  user: root
  password: password
  database: minecraft
  table: onsign-players

# Formats used to output dates and time.  Please reference
# for more information and examples
dateTimeFormat: 'MM/dd hh:mm'
timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss'
# Enable logging of OnSign Activity, mainly for debug purposes
logEnable: true
# Level of detail in the logs (3=least detail; 1= most detail)
logLevel: 3
# Level of detail in the console during stratup etc. (3 = least detail; 1= most detail)
consoleLevel: 3

# Sign Auto-Refresh Interval (in minutes)
# Set to 0 for NO auto-refresh
refreshRate: 10
# Color Codes
# Note when using color on signs, the color codes take up 4 characters of the 15 characters on a line
# so, if your playernames or other info is getting clipped, you may want to remove the color coding
#  &0	Black
#  &1	Dark Blue
#  &2	Dark Green
#  &3	Dark Aqua
#  &4	Dark Red
#  &5	Dark Purple
#  &6	Gold
#  &7	Gray
#  &8	Dark Gray
#  &9	Blue
#  &a	Green
#  &b	Aqua
#  &c	Red
#  &d 	Light Purple
#  &e	Yellow
#  &f	White
# "Player" Sign Configurations
      online: '&aONLINE'
      offline: '&4OFFLINE'
      afk: '&cAFK'
   playerColor: '&0'
   timeColor: '&0'
# "Top" Sign Configurations
# Example: For players with the most total OnTime
# Line1: #1 Player (rankingColor applied to '##')
# Line2: Of All Time
# Line3: <PlayerName>    (playerColor applied)
# Line4: dd D hh H mm M  (timeColor applied)

# Settings for the first line of TOP signs
   rankingColor: '&c' 
   play: '&0Player'
   vote: '&0Voter'
   refer: '&0Referrer'
# Settings for the second line of TOP Signs
   total: '&0Of All Time'
   today: '&0today'
   week: '&0this week'
   month: '&0this month'
# Settings for the third line of TOP Signs
   playerColor: '&0'
   noPlayer: '&0Nobody'   
# Settings for the fourth line of TOP Signs
   timeCountColor: '&0'
   voteCount: "&0votes"
   referCount: "&0refs"  
   noData: "&0N/A" 

# Enable if OnSign should check for latest plugin version (from bukkitdev)
updateCheckEnable: true