One Time Command

== One Time Command ==

==== Description & Features ====

This is a useful plugin if you want to make that players can send a command an amount of time and then anymore! You can put a base of a command in the config such as /time with an amount of 3. Now they can do 3 times /time ..., Ex. /time set day, if they want to do this a 4th time. They can't! You can also put an exact command in the config. Ex. /kit tools, then you can choose for example 1 time. Now the player can use /kit tools 1 time.

==== Commands ====

/otc base add <number> <base command> - Adds a base command to the config with the given amount of times they can send the command.

/otc base remove <base command> - Removes a base command from the config.

/otc base list - Displays the base commands that are setted in the config.

/otc exact add <number> <full command> - Adds an exact command to the config with the given amount of times they can send the command.

/otc exact remove <full command> - Removes an exact command from the config.

/otc exact list - Displays the exact commands that are setted in the config.

/otc reload - Reload all the config files.

==== Permissions ====

/otc base add <number> <base command> - otc.base.add

/otc base remove <base command> - otc.base.remove

/otc base list - otc.base.list

/otc exact add <number> <full command> - otc.exact.add

/otc exact remove <full command> - otc.exact.remove

/otc exact list - otc.exact.list

/otc reload - otc.reload

Let the plugin ignore you - otc.override

==== About Me ====

It's my first plugin that I put on the internet. I write plugins for my own server. IP: Site: Name: SmessieCraft I am a Belgian so I speak Dutch, my server is also Dutch. If my text isn't very good English you may correct me.

I hope you enjoy my plugin! Good luck! If there are problems with the plugin, please report them!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 25, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Nov 28, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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