
Hey guys, I'm back with another bukkit plugin! This one is called NoobLogin

What is NoobLogin... :/

Well to answer your question my good sir, Nooblogin is a Login plugin that enables people to register and login to your server!

Why use this?!?!? When I can use others

Why wouldn't you use this... XD The reason you should use this is because its very secure and if you have a server hosted and you dont want others to know your pass then use it!! :D

So.... How do I install it?!?!

Really?... Just drag that jar file into your plugins folder and RELOAD THE SERVER!! :) That's simple.. RIGHT??

Can't others see my passcode?!?!?!?!?!!??

Nahhh your safe.. for now >:) lol!! This plugin uses SHA-512 Encryption.. (I went overboard hehe)

Anything else???

Not really.. Report all the bugs to me please and I will be adding features but if you want specific ones COMMENT DEM!!!

Bye, and enjoy the plugin.. OR DIEEEEE!

Auto-Update Feature

There is now a plugin auto-update feature! You can disable this in the main configuration. To use this just start your server and it will auto-check for updates, if you set the config value to false then it will just tell you there is an update, and you can do a simple command (/nl update) to update it manually!


MySQL Is pretty much fully functional! Just edit the values in the config.yml and reload!

Login Timeout!!

This plugin has a login timeout :D! It has a 10 second timeout, In future versions I will add a Config value to change the timeout!

Any commands?


  • /nooblogin (check, update, mysql)
  • /register
  • /login
  • /changepass
  • /unregister
  • /setemail (MySQL Only Right Now)
  • /pwdreset (MySQL Only Right Now)
    • Will be adding more commands in future updates...

Yes there are:

nooblogin.*: Gives you all the permissions!
nooblogin.login: Allows you to use login command. (Given by default)
nooblogin.register: Allows you to use register command (Given by default)
nooblogin.reload: Allows you to reload config (Given to ops)
nooblogin.unregister: Allows you to unregister. (Given to ops)
nooblogin.changepwd: Allows you to change passwords (Given by default)
nooblogin.setemail: Allows you to set your email (Given by default)


#Toggle the if the join message is displayed.
joinMsg: true
#Message users get when they are not registered.
notRegistered: '&4You are not registered. Please register to play! /register <pass> '
#Message user get when they ARE registered.
notLoggedIn: '&cYou are not logged in. Please login to play! /login <pass>'
#Message users get after a server reload.
reloadMsg: '&cA server reload has caused you to logout! Please login with /login <pass>'
#Message displayed when the user does not have the permission.
noPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to preform this command.'
MySQL-User: user
MySQL-Pass: pass
MySQL-DBName: databasename
MySQL-Port: 1234
Use-MySQL: true
Auto-Update: true
How do I use IT?!?!?!?

install it to your server! and then when you join the game it will ask you to reigster / login do /register <yourpass> and your in! you can do /nooblogin to see the list of extra commands! :) When you reload the server or leave it will ask you to login again! then you do /login <yourpass> and then your logged in and can freely do what you want!

What's Happening with ME?

Hello fellow dev bukkit members, The reason I haven't been working on this plugin is because I have school but now that it has ended I have more free time... I also keep losing the damn source code because I reset my pc... lol! I'll be taking suggestions and fixing bugs!!

Want The Source? HERE YA GOOOO


  • Reach 500 Downloads. - DONE <3
  • Reach 1k Downloads. - Ily All <3
  • Make it the best login plugin. - Working on it...

This plugin uses Metrics to collect data!

NoobLogin now has metric support. I did this to see how many people actually use my plugin and all other sorts of things! You can disable it in the config if you'd like to stay anonymous, but come on... It's not gonna kill you <3


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 23, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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