


This is a plugin for the complete management of horses, it contains features to spawn, protect, summon, modify and level horses. The spawn and modify commands allow complete customization of the horse from its name to its colour and jump height.

Protection is managed by claiming a horse and assigning various permissions to the player which will enable them to interact with the horse, you can also add "trusted" players to your horse which will enable them to ride, access chests and other forms of interaction with the horse.

Summoning works on claimed horses where you can summon your own or friends horses or with the permission all horses that have been claimed.

You can level up horses speed, jump and health, each time you level up a horses stats you add to the horses XP which can later be used to purchase upgrades such as different styles, colours and changing the name.


/nh claim [Horse name] Claims the horse you are on with the selected name, you can also claim with an item (default nametag)

/nh help [Page num/command] Shows a list of commands or details about a command

/nh reload Reloads the config file

/nh set [Properties] Sets a horses properties

/nh spawn [Properties] Spawns a horse with selected properties

/nh summon [Horse Name] Summons horse with selected name

/nh trust [Player] [Horse] Trusts a player to your horse

/nh untrust [Player] [Horse] Untrusts a player from your horse

/nh unclaim [Horse Name] Unclaims selected horse


nhorses.(commandname) Gives permission to use the command

nhorses.bypass.(ride, lead, chest, name, cost, xp, damage) Gives permission to bypass aspect

nhorses.(set, info, summon, unclaim).others Allows user to perform actions on anothers horse

nhorses.properties.(property name) Allows user to set (property name)

nhorses.itemclaim allows user to use item claiming


Example: /nh spawn jump=10 health=10 colour=black style=white_dots

You can assign properties to a horse in the spawn or set command like this property=value, here is a list of all currently implemented properties:

Speed: Double, blocks per second

Health: Double, maximum health for the horse

Jump: Double, jump height in blocks

Variant: Horse Variant, you can find a list here: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/Horse.Variant.html

Colour: Horse Color, you can find a list here: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/Horse.Color.html

Style: Horse Style, you can find a list here so you can swag up your horse: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/Horse.Style.html


nHorses uses Vault for economy, if vault is not found economy will be ignored.

To Do

Finish level system

Add languages (Will need help translating, get in contact if you know other languages than English)

About command

Make speed property work (Will need to wait for Bukkit to update for this as I want to do it using the Bukkit API)

For other devs

If you want to add support for nHorses to your plugin or want to write an extension or another feature pm me and I'll get in touch :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 6, 2013
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