Nether Roof Protect


Tired of pesky players who take the easy route through the nether by walking on top of the bedrock roof? Well, here is a simple plugin that will will fix just that!

The plugin simply checks if a player in the nether is above the bedrock roof and will teleport them back to whatever spawn is defined in the configuration. It is efficient, simple, and lightweight yet also configurable.

Think your server is safe?

Think again! It is actually very simple to get on top of the nether roof, especially if you have warp plugins on your server. A player can set a warp (or their home) inside a 1x2 hole and put lava in it. This renders the warp too dangerous to teleport to and when a player attempts to warp, they instead warp above the nether! Vanilla Minecraft also has a method involving only ladders and enderpearls. The point is, it can be easy for players to get on top of the nether, but no matter which method they use, this plugin will stop them.


netherroofprotect.allowAllows the player to be on top of the nether bedrock layer (More commands may be created in the future)


Config NameDiscriptionDefaultSyntax
teleportMessageMessage is displayed when a user was caught above the nether roofToo long, see fileString
overrideTeleportSet to true if you would like to run a custom command when somebody is above the ceiling rather than teleportingfalseboolean (Ex. true or false)
overrideCommandThe command that will be ran if overrideTeleport is set to true'kill %PLAYER_NAME%'String
teleportWorldNameThe player will spawn in this world's spawn when he goes on top of the netherworld_netherString
maxNetherHeightThe maximum height a player is allowed to be in the nether (Originally 127)126Integer (Ex. 2 but not 0.2)
checkDelayThis is how often (in server ticks) that the plugin checks if any player is on top of the nether10Integer (Ex. 2 but not 0.2)

Privacy Information

Plugin Metrics was added to the plugin in order to get a better understanding of what servers are using the plugin. It also can help with development, and only anonymous information is sent.

However, if you do not want to send this data, you can set opt-out to true under ...\plugins\PluginMetrics\config.yml.


Message me if you find any bugs, performance issues, or suggestions about the plugin


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 1, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 7, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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