Commands and Permissions

MyZ makes use of a contextually accurate command handler. That is, the base command, /MyZ will display to the executor possible commands based on the context of execution.



  • Can be executed as Player or Console
  • Displays the executor with possible commands, based on their permission access level and contextually accurate (will not display commands if the player is not in the proper state to execute it)

MyZ manage spawns

  • Can be executed as Player
  • Begins the spawn management process for the executor. Doing so will grant the player with a MyZ Wand and allow them temporary flight privileges and invincibility
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.spawns

MyZ reload config

  • Can be executed as Player or Console
  • Reloads all configuration files and attempts to re-establish connection with MySQL.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.config

MyZ spawn

  • Can be executed as Player
  • Spawns the player in the world if not already spawned.
  • Requires the permission node

MyZ manage engineer

  • Can be executed as Player
  • Begins the engineer management process for the executor. Doing so will grant the player with a MyZ Wand and allows them temporary creative mode.
  • Requires the permission node
  • Only accessible if the configuration entry in /plugins/MyZ/settings.yml for enhance_anvils.enabled is set to 'true'

MyZ reload userdata

  • Can be executed as Player or Console
  • Reloads all existing userdata (ie. files in the directory /plugins/MyZ/userdata/). It is helpful to note that every single entry will be asynchronously loaded and changes will then be noticeable for future logins. Any player that already has userdata cached will withhold their cached data until unloaded. All players unload their cached data at logout.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.config

MyZ manage chests

  • Can be executed as Player
  • Begins the chest management process for the executor. Doing so will grant the player with a MyZ Wand and allows them temporary creative mode.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.chests
  • Only accessible if the configuration entry in /plugins/MyZ/settings.yml for chests is set to 'true'

MyZ version

  • Can be executed as Player or Console
  • Outputs the MyZ version in use on the server.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.*

MyZ respawn chests

  • Can be executed as Player or Console
  • Forcibly respawns all MyZ chests.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.chests
  • Only accessible if the configuration entry in /plugins/MyZ/settings.yml for chests is set to 'true'

MyZ item get <argument>

  • Can be executed as Player
  • Retrieves a MyZ item to the executor's inventory. Use the tab button to retrieve possible arguments.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.chests

MyZ item apply <argument>

  • Can be executed as Player
  • Applies a MyZ item equipment state to the item in the executor's hand (if compatible). Use the tab button to retrieve possible arguments.
  • Requires the permission node MyZ.manager.chests



  • Accesses all MyZ permissions
  • Default of Op


  • Accesses all MyZ.manager permissions

  • Access to engineering management


  • Access to config and userdata management


  • Access to spawn management


  • Access to chest management

  • Access to chat management


  • Access to spawn kit management

  • Access to playing MyZ (ie. using the /MyZ spawn command)
  • Default of everybody

MyZ Ranks

Players in MyZ are given a rank. This rank is dependent upon their permission level and each rank (of the 101 available) has a customizable prefix and starting kit. To set a players rank, simply set their permission node as appropriate. Their rank will be determined by the highest number permission node they possess.


  • This is the default MyZ rank (ie. what any not-op player begins as).


  • This is the highest achievable MyZ rank, and the default of opped players.


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