example: config.yml

config_version: 1.002 - Don't change anything here. If you change the number, your config will be reseted!

play_song_on_join: false - Set this to true, if a song should be played to a player when he joined. play_song_on_join_song: example.nbs - Set the song, that should be played to the player. random_playlist_on_join: false - Set to true, if you want to add the player to the random playlist. Specific playlists are comming soon

play_song_on_sign_interact: false - Should signs be enabled? Actually there is no permissions for play signs.

  1. A sign must look like this: (You actually can't change the layout. Sorry!)
  2. Line 1: [MusicPlayer]
  3. Line 2: playsong
  4. Line 3: song_name.nbs
  5. Line 4:


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