

Default config for MotdPerWorld.

prefix: - Display a prefix before the MotdPerWorldmessage. To disable type prefix: false

helpMessage: - This is the message that will be displayed whenever a player types /motdpw help. Supports all minecraft colours (&1,&2,&3 etc). Supports formatting codes (&l,&m,&n,&o). Supports %name to grab the players name to add to the messages.

world: - This has to be the exact name of your world.

message: - This is the message the players will see when they enter the world or if they are in that world when they join the server. The players will also need the permission node specifically for this world or the global permission. This message supports all colours (&1, &2, &3 etc). Supports formatting codes (&l,&m,&n,&o). It also supports %name to grab the players name so the owner is able to include the players name in a message. It also supports new lines by adding \n within the message whenever you want to add a new line.


prefix: '&a[MOTD] '
helpMessage: "&6MotdPerWorld &9will display a different MOTD whenever you change world. \n&9The commands for &6MotdPerWorld &9are currently: &4/motdpw help"
..message: "&6&name&9, you have entered the main world! \n&9Collect the minerals from \nthe world"
..message: "&9Welcome to the &cNether&9, &6&name! \n&9This world is dangerous! \n&9Be careful of the Ghast!"


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