
More Hearts!

Ever wanted to give more health for donators in your servers or just become unbeatable?

This is the plugin for you! With More Hearts you can add more hearts to players(duh..) with commands, config and even custom permissions!!

Using version 1.1 or older? click here

Warning: The extra hearts will stay after removing the plugin!!


/sethearts <Player> <Amount>morehearts.setheartsOP
/addhearts <Player> <Amount>morehearts.addheartsOP


<> - Required [] - Optional

/moreheartsno permission nodeYes
/morehearts add <player> <amount>morehearts.addheartsOP
/morehearts refreshmorehearts.refreshOP
/morehearts set <player> <amount>morehearts.setheartsOP
/morehearts addworld [world]morehearts.addworldOP
/morehearts addallworldsmorehearts.addallworldsOP
/morehearts removeworld [world]morehearts.removeworldOP
/morehearts worldsmorehearts.worldslistOP

You can add custom permissions in the config!


If player will have 73 hearts more he will have 83 hearts in total (73+10) and it will look like this:

83 hearts!

Thats alot :P


The config is really easy and simple, Here is an example:

//Adding hearts

    roei12: 30

//Adding permissions

    donator: 20
//if someone will have the permission morehearts.donator he will have 20 hearts more!

//Default Hearts(v1.4)

DefaultHealth: 10
// I know its called default health but its the default hearts for your server (normal - 10 hearts)

//Worlds (v1.6)
EnableIn: world1,world2,world4
//Now the plugin will work only in the worlds: world1, world2 and world4



  • All the commands are now starting with /morehearts
  • You can now select in witch worlds the plugin will be enabled!
  • Added removeworld and addworlds commands
  • Added help message
  • Added command to see in wich worlds the plugin is enabled
  • /morehearts refresh now reloading config too!


  • When the plugin is creating the config file, it will add all the loaded worlds.
  • Config now showing only players with more or less then 0.0 hearts


  • fixed a bug with /morehearts add


  • if you will remove the plugin the hearts will not stay for players that logged in at least once after putting version 1.6.3 on your server.
  • added '/morehearts reset' that will reset the config and put reguler health on every online player.


  • Finally, Ops will not get all the hearts from permissions by default!
  • Fixed bug with teleporting.
  • You can use /mh instead of /morehearts.
  • The command /mh reset has been added to morehearts help message.


  • All the bugs has been fixed! (I hope).
  • Added ShowHearts option in the config!
  • added /hearts command to see how much hearts you have (useful if ShowHearts is false).
  • Fixed somthing with permissions.


Do you have any ideas for improving this plugin?

Tell me in the commants or in pm!


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