App-Store Apps Rules

MineTube Rules to be displayed within the MineTube APP Clients

Server Chat, Titles and Descriptions

If your Server Chat, Title or Description has any of the Points below, then please set allowchatlog: false in your config.yml! Else we can't display your Server on iPhone Clients.

  • sharing of personal information
    For the safety of your players, we prohibit the exchange of personal information such as phone numbers and addresses in the server chat.

  • spamming chat messages
    "Spam" is considered to be a repetitive display of the same text again and again.

  • illegal activity 
    Should a Server engage in illegal activity (ie, activity that violates US Federal or State Law) or encourage it we will remove the Server from MineTube.

  • using "bad" language
    We try our best to filter "bad" language, but still try to minimize the amount send to MineTube.

Reporting a Server or User

  • MineTube Apps have an inbuild reporting feature, so that people can report "bad" Chat Messages, Servers with "bad" Titles or Description to MineTube. Reports will be reviewed within 24 hours and Messages or Servers removed if found guilty. In most cases we just block the Server from sending informations to MineTube Apps until the Server Title or Description has been fixed.