
Let me explain how this plugin works.

  1. You setup a lot of arenas.
  2. You setup a match for every arena to tell the plugin that "Oh! Let's make this arena playable!"
  3. You setup a hub, so when your players are in it they can checkout cool stuffs like Quake shop or railgun customizer, etc.
  4. You edit files in the plugin folder and customize things about railgun customization.
  5. Done!

Great, it's not that hard, isn't it? So I will start with an example that:

  1. 1 arena called "Desert" and 1 match for that arena
  2. A hub in the world called "Quake" from (0,0,0) to (100,100,100)
  3. Also add a trigger (a railgun attachment) that makes the railgun shoots every 0.5 seconds, which players can buy from the hub shop.

So here's how you do it.

1. Type "/quakeadmin arena create 1 Desert".

The "1" here is the arena id, it's just an id, players won't see it; but later we will need it to setup a match. The "Desert" here is the arena name, which will be shown on join signs.

2. The plugin will tell you what to do next, Basically you need to set spawns by going to the location and type "/quakeadmin arena spawn 1".

The "1" here is the arena id, refers to step 1.

3. After you setup enough spawns, we need to initialize a match to make this arena.. works! Type "/quakeadmin match create 1-1 1".

The "1-1" here is the match id. This id will be shown to players on join signs. You can give it other names, like "Supermanb777" or what else but we use "1-1" here to make it more "professional", ha ha. The "1" here is the arena id, refers to step 1 and 2.

4. Now we can actually try it out by typing "/quake join 1-1". Test it with your friends! :)

The "1-1" here is the match id, refers to step 3.

5. Now, setup a hub. Just type "/quakeadmin hub" and you will enter the hub setup wizard, it will tell you what to do next.

6. When you enter the hub, the inventory will be switched to Quake's inventory, and the Quake statistics scoreboard will be shown up. You should see 3 items in your inventory: Shop, Customizer and Record (A book). So if you don't know what Shop and Customizer do for, play on Hypixel's Quakecraft first.

7. So how can we change items in our shop, and make it shows on the customizer GUI? We need to edit some .yml files in our plugin folder.

The items.yml define items. There's 4 items in default, and each of them belongs to different types of attachments.

Case: The material of the railgun.

Default case with id 1, which has material option set to 290 (Wooden hoe). You can also set an enchant on it by setting "case_has_enchantment" to true.

Sight: The firework color when a player get killed by the railgun.

Default sight with id 2 has a YELLOW laser_color, which means it's yellow (what?). There are 17 firework colors available in minecraft: WHITE, SILVER, GRAY, BLACK, RED, MAROON, YELLOW, OLIVE, LIME, GREEN, AQUA, TEAL, BLUE, NAVY, FUCHSIA, PURPLE, ORANGE. Why there's a 351@11 in material option? Isn't that an invalid id? Nope, the 11 is the data of the material 351 (Ink), which makes the ink yellow. Of course, you can apply this theorem to other type's material option. The material will be only shown in the shop and the customizer.

Barrel: The firework shape when a player get killed by the railgun.

You can edit the barrel_shape to other shapes. There are 5 shapes available in Minecraft: BALL, BALL_LARGE, STAR, BURST, CREEPER. The material will be only shown in the shop and the customizer. '

Trigger: How fast the cooldown time of the railgun.

The material here should be fixed to 77 (Stone button) since it looks like a trigger, but if you have better ideas you can switch it. The trigger_amount option will be shown in the shop and the customizer, so players distinguish different triggers if you set all trigger's material to stone button as Hypixel does. So what should we fill for? My recommendation is to fill in 15 if the trigger speed is 1.5 seconds, fillin 7 if the trigger speed is 0.7 seconds, etc. How to adjust trigger speed? The trigger_speed option does it. You need to multiply 20 by your preferred speed. Fill in 30 if you want the railgun fires every 1.5 seconds (1.5*20).

Wow it looks confusing. Anyway let's add a trigger item with 0.5s speed. Create a new line of the file, copy the default trigger configuration and paste it to the end of this file. Edit the trigger_amount to 5 and trigger_speed to 10. Edit the name and the lore as you like, and set a new cost of the trigger, like 500.

Here's what your items.yml should look like: http://pastebin.com/9Kj9WMKR

You can always add new items. Just copy a template and paste and edit. But remember, the items ID must be sequential and they need to be integers, just like how Minecraft is.

8. We added cool items, but we need to let players can purchase the item from shop. Open "gui.yml", you will see the first "shop_rows" option.

    - 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,X

Which shows: Inventory

And we edited the 0 after the 4 to 5, our custom trigger's id.

    - 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 4,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,X

Then: http://prntscr.com/397kn7

We also need to make the custom trigger appears in our customizer interface. Simply edit the "trigger_rows" to:

    - 4,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,X

9. Done!

To create a joinsign, simply put following lines when editing a sign.

Line 1: [Quake] Line 2: The id of match

Have any questions? Leave them below and I will answer you ASAP! :D


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