
This plugin is primarily used for TheNumenorean's plugins to store player data in a single unified file and to manage economy and permissions. This is not a replacement for Vault; It in fact uses it, or defaults to using an item as currency. This plugin does NOT do anything in and of itself. There are no permissions, commands, or effects on the environment.

The only plugins that use this up to this point are MinePlot and MinePermit


This plugin uses Metrics to record data about the plugin's use. All this does is record simple anonymous data about how the plugin is used, including server specs like architecture, number of cores, OS, general location (country), java version, game version, and players online. All the recorded data can be retrieved at http:mcstats.org/plugin/MineCore. If you would like to opt-out, change the property in the configuration file "allowDataCollection" to false and restart the server. This will not impact the plugin's execution in any way. By using this plugin, you are agreeing to the collection of data about your server as defined on this page. This page will only reflect the latest release version, and doesn't reflect versions available on Github or elsewhere.

This plugin does not auto-update or check for updates.


Download the latest version and copy it into your plugins directory. Run Bukkit and it will automatically generate a configuration file, which can be found under /plugins/minecore/config.yml . See below for Configuration options.

If you would like to use Vault as your economy, install it and then go to /plugins/minecore/config.yml and set "useVaultEcon" to true.

I HIGHLY recommend that you delete /plugins/minecore when updating to V 1.0.1, as i have not updated it in a while and things may have changed.


The Configuration can be found at /plugins/minecore/config.yml . There are two connected values, useVaultEcon and currency_item. If you have Vault installed and want to use it, set useVaultEcon to true. If you don't want to use it, set currency_item to the name of what material you want to use as your currency.

The value "allowDataCollection" allows you to enable or disable Metrics, and is by default set to true.

That is all the configuration for this plugin.


Javadocs are included in the jar.

There are two standard ways to use this.

First, get MineCore.

MineCore mc = ((MineCore)getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("MineCore"));

Then, either get the EconomyManager and do some sort of transaction (see JavaDocs)

EconomyManager em = mc.getEconomyManager();

em.charge(player, cost);
em.give(player, amt);

or get a player's Miner and store data in it, which will be automatically saved and loaded.

Miner m = mc.getMiner("player");

The javadocs will show everything you can do with this.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 10, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jan 12, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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