
MailBox is plugin used for sending packages (material) to other players. Players can create their own mailboxes. When player has a mailbox, he can receive the package. Offline players can receive the package too. How to send a package: Just write simple command: /mailbox send <player_name>. The package is item which you hold in your hand.

How to install

1.) Place jar in your plugins directory.
2.) Run the server.
3.) Change settings in config file: /plugins/MailBox/settings.txt.
4.) Enjoy It!


  • Players can create their own mailboxes. 1 mailbox / player.
  • Packages can be send to other world - e.g. nether.
  • Works with LWC (But works without it too).
  • Works with any permissions system (PEX untested, but should work).
  • Works with any economy system supporting Vault. (You can set a delivery fee. But works without it too.)
  • You can set cooldown = player can send package only once every x seconds.
  • Ability to create a mailbox for someone else.
  • Postman - Player who created your mailbox can earn money. He gets 10% of total fee from receiving packages.

Need help?

You can find me on in the channel #Iacc



  • /mailbox help - Lists commands.
  • /mailbox fees - Check the fees.
  • /mailbox check <player_name> - Check the fee for sending a package to <player_name>.
  • /mailbox send <player_name> - Send a package to <player_name>. (Alias /msend)
  • /mailbox create - Create a mailbox.
  • /mailbox create <player_name> - Create a mailbox for <player_name>. (<player_name> has to be online!).
  • /mailbox remove - Remove a mailbox.
  • /mailbox remove <player_name> - Remove <player_name>'s mailbox.
  • /mailbox view [page] - View a log file. (For admins or moderators.)


  • mailbox -reload - Reload settings. You do not need restart server.


mailbox.* - Gives access to all mailbox commands.
mailbox.user.* - Player can create/remove own mailbox and sending the packages to other players.
mailbox.admin.* - Gives access to admin commands.
mailbox.postman.* - Can create a mailbox for someone else and remove mailboxes which he created.

mailbox.admin.viewlog - Can view a log.
mailbox.admin.removeany - Can remove any mailbox.

mailbox.user.send - Can send a package.
mailbox.user.create - Can create own mailbox.
mailbox.user.remove - Can remove own mailbox.

mailbox.postman.createother - Can create a mailbox for someone else.
mailbox.postman.removeother - Can remove mailboxes which he created.

mailbox.sendtoself - Player can send package to himself.
mailbox.nocooldown - Player does not have the send cooldown.


  • Auto-generating YAML config
  • Fix any errors
  • Major code rewrite

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