
Maximum health Commands

/maxhealth [player] Displays your / a players current health and maxhealth and shows how many levels are needed for it to increase.
/maxhealth help Displays all available sub-commands.
/maxhealth get [player] Get your / a players health and maxhealth and shows on which level maxhealth will increase.
/maxhealth set [player] <amount> Changes your / a players maxhealth to the specified value.
/maxhealth give [player] <amount> Gives you / a player maxhealth.
/maxhealth take [player] <amount> Takes maxhealth from you / a player.
/maxhealth reset [player] Refreshes your / a players maxhealth according to your / his current level.

Command aliases: /mhealth, /maxhearts, /mhearts

Health Commands

/health [player] Displays your / a players current health and maxhealth and shows how many levels are needed for it to increase.
/health help Displays all available sub-commands.
/health get [player] Get your / a players health and maxhealth and shows on which level maxhealth will increase.
/health set [player] <amount> Changes your / a players health to the specified value.
/health give [player] <amount> Gives you / a player health.
/health take [player] <amount> Takes health from you / a player.
/health restore [player] Fully replenishes your / a players health.

Command aliases: /hearts

Admin Commands

/lvlhearts Displays basic information about the plugin.
/lvlhearts help Generic LevelHearts command help.
/lvlhearts reload Reloads the configuration files.

Command aliases: /levelhearts, /lvlhealth, /levelhealth


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