llamaArt Palette


Edit or create additional pixel-to-block translations in the 'llamaArtColorTranslations.txt' file in the plugins\llamaArt folder.

Minecraft does not offer 256 million different color blocks to work with, so llamaArt matches the closest color in the palette to each pixel of the image and places the block that it translates into. The more colors you assign to a block, the more of the color range that block will cover. Too many colors assigned to any single block can decrease image quality. For best results select a color that is in the center of the color range you are seeking to cover, and of course match it to a block that best fits that range.

For example, the hex color #00009C could appear in game as http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/2/27/Grid_Lapis_Lazuli_Block.png lapis block by adding 00009C,LAPIS_BLOCK into the translations file. Be sure to only use building 'blocks', do not use items like doors or switches. Valid names can be found in the Bukkit Material List.

Below are the default translations found in version 1.4.

You can re-create this file by deleting it and restarting the plugin.


Exceptions to this list are the Wool blocks which are prefixed with 'WOOL_' and do not appear on the material list with the prefix. If you are in need of image editing software, try Gimp, it's free!


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