
Ability typeDescription
ArmorPierceReduces the effectiveness of armors by a certain percentage. It's a good ability to activate permanently to make armors less powerful. It doesn't have any effect on unarmored players.
FirePunchMakes the player to burn for a certain duration.
KnockBackPushes the player much further when he's hit.
LightningAuraMakes lightnings to strike around the boss, they may also be targeted at a player instead.
MagnetPushes or pulls players around the boss.
MinionsMakes creatures spawn around you or the boss. Minions don't drop anything and don't give any experience, however they're automatically teleported back to their master if they're too distant.
SlowCripples the player on hit by using the slow potion effect.
SprintIncreases the boss movement speed for a certain duration if a player is nearby.
TeleportMakes the boss to teleport when being hit at a distant block around him or around a player.

# You can use any name for your abilities.
# You can also create multiple abilities of the same type.
# Names will be used in bosses.yml and worldname.yml.
  Type: ArmorPierce
  # The reduction of absorption in percentage.
  Value: 25.0
  # Interval during which the ability can't be used.
  Cooldown: 0.0
  # Probability for the ability to be used.
  ActivationChance: 100.0
  Type: FirePunch
  # Duration of the burning effect
  Ticks: 3
  Cooldown: 0.0
  ActivationChance: 100.0
  Type: Knockback
  # Multiplier for the vertical velocity.
  VerticalCoef: 2.0
  # Multiplier for the horizontal velocity.
  HorizontalCoef: 3.0
  Cooldown: 0.0
  ActivationChance: 100.0
  Type: LightningAura
  MinRange: 0
  MaxRange: 16
  # True if the lightning should be aimed at the player, false to make it strike a random block in range.
  OnPlayers: false
  # Number of lightning per activation, currently only used if OnPlayers is false.
  Amount: 1
  Cooldown: 2.5
  ActivationChance: 33.3
  Type: Magnet
  # A positive strength results in a pull, a negative one results in a push.
  Strength: 0.75
  MinRange: 0
  MaxRange: 16
  Cooldown: 2.5
  ActivationChance: 33.3
  Type: Minions
  # Entity type for the minions.
  EntityType: Silverfish
  # Amount of minions.
  Amount: 2
  # Max and min range at which minions spawn.
  # Avoid using too high values, this can quickly become CPU intensive.
  MinRange: 1
  MaxRange: 2
  # True to make minions spawn around the boss.
  # False to makes them spawn around the player.
  CenteredOnBoss: true
  Cooldown: 7.5
  ActivationChance: 25.0
  Type: Slow
  # The effect's power, don't use a too big value because it alters the field of view.
  Amplifier: 2
  # Duration of the effect in seconds.
  Duration: 3.0
  Cooldown: 0.0
  ActivationChance: 100.0
  Type: Sprint
  Amplifier: 2
  MinRange: 2
  MaxRange: 32
  Duration: 3.0
  Cooldown: 5.5
  ActivationChance: 33.3
  Type: Teleport
  MinRange: 3
  MaxRange: 5
  CenteredOnBoss: false
  Cooldown: 7.5
  ActivationChance: 50.0