
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Levitate is an awesome and easy to use Command-Library for Bukkit/Spigot-Plugins. It allows you to register commands with arguments, permissions, TabCompletion and description in seconds. There also is no need to register it in the plugin.yml.

I'm a server owner

You may be here because you wanted to install another plugin that uses Levitate. Just drag'n'drop Levitate into your plugins folder to use the other plugin. Levitate doesn't offer a real feature for you. When you installed Levitate you can change the messages of other plugins using Levitate.

/levitate reloadlevitate.reloadReload the messages.yml configuration
/levitate versionlevitate.versionShows the currently running Levitate version

You can modify the messages in the plugins/Levitate/messages.yml

I'm a developer

Great! Levitate is made for you and your users! Levitate lets you register Bukkit-Commands in seconds. Please check out the complete guide at GitHub


  • Checks arguments to be valid
  • Checks permission
  • Registers command directly to Bukkit/Spigot without plugin.yml
  • Supports command aliases
  • Bukkit/Spigot-Version independent
  • HelpMap with detailed Command-List
  • TabComplete
  • Undefined amount of arguments
  • Extendable


This is a simple kill command:

public void onEnable() {
	Levitate levitate = new Levitate(this);
@Command(syntax = "?kill <player[online]>", readable = "/kill <Player>", description = "Kill a player", permission = "player.kill", aliases = {"die"})
public void killCommand(CommandSender sender, String cmd, ParameterSet args) {
	sender.sendMessage("Player has been killed!");


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