Commands and Permissions


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A list of flags are available on the How To Use page.

/kitsShow all available kits
/kits reloadReloads Kits configuration files
/kit kitnameSpawn the specified kit
/kit kitname flagsSpawn the specified kit with the specified flags
/kit kitname playernameSpawn the specified kit for the specified player
/kit kitname playername flagsSpawn the specified kit for the specified player with the specified flags
/kit create kitnameCreate a kit with the specified name
/kit edit kitnameEdit the kit with the specified name
/kit edit kitname flag <value>Edit the value of the flag on the kit with the specified name
/kit remove kitnameRemove the kit with the name kitname

Permissions nodeDescription
kits.adminAllow players to create, edit and remove Kits, and create Kit signs
kits.listAllow players to view the list of available Kits
kits.spawn.kitnameAllow players to spawn the kit kitname
kits.spawn.others.kitnameAllows players to spawn the kit kitname for another player
kits.nodelay.kitnameAllows players to override the delay on kitname
kits.signAllows players to use [kit] signs
kits.flags.overwriteAllows players to use the overwrite flag
kits.flags.clearAllows players to use the clear flag
kits.flags.announceAllows players to use the announce flag
kits.flags.delayAllows players to use the delay flag


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