Items exchange

Items exchange

Exchange your items with other players in a simple way!


  • /exchange [target player name]

Suggest exchange item you actually holds to specified player.

Aliases: /exc, /ex

  • /ex-accept

Accept sugested exchange.

Aliases: /exa, /ex-a

  • /ex-refuse

Refuse suggested by some1 else exchange or that, suggested by yourself.

Aliases: /exr, /ex-r


1. Put in your hand (select slot) item, which you want to exchange.

2. Type /exc [target], where [target] name of a player, for which you want to suggest exchange.

3. He will get information about item you want to exchange and the amount. He can accept or refuse your proposal by /exa and /exr. What he have in his hands will be the item, wchih he wants to give you for that item.

4. If he agree, you will get information about item he want to exchange for. Now its final decision: accept (/exa) or refuse (/exr).

5. If you will agree, the items will be exchanged.


v. 0.1

  • plugin is created.

v. 0.2

  • ADDED: configuration file
  • ADDED: exchange range limit
  • ADDED: blacklist
  • ADDED: permissions


radius - distance(in blocks), within players can exchange their items

blacklis - list of id's(separated by a comma in square brackets) which players can't trade(exchange)

Permissions - Forbids the player to exchange items with other players. - Allows the player to exchange items with other player without 100 blocks range limit. - Allows the player to exchange any items.

Planned features

  1. ? Waiting for community proposals

Thank you for downloading,

please leave the comment and say if you like me plugin (and if it works well ofc.)

Sry for bad English


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