Commands and Permissions

Commands Description
/Imitation help Shows the Imitation help menu.
/Imitation reload Allows you to reload the config if you made any changes to it. /Imitation update Checks for updates and lets you know if there are any.
/Imitation name <name> Sets the name of the item in your hand.
/Imitation lore <lore> Sets the lore of the item in your hand.
/Imitation advlore Shows the advanced lore help menu.
/Imitation advlore add <lore> Adds a line of lore to the end of the item's lore.
/Imitation advlore remove <index> Removes the specified line of lore from the item's lore. The index is the line number.
/Imitation advlore change <index> <lore> Changes the line of lore at the specified line number.
/Imitation potion Shows the potion help menu.
/Imitation potion add <type> [level] <seconds> Adds a custom potion effect to the potion in your hand.
/Imitation potion remove <type> Removes a custom potion effect from the potion in your hand.
/Imitation potion list Lists all potion effects in Minecraft with their Bukkit names.
/Imitation title <title> Sets the title of the book in your hand.
/Imitation author <author> Sets the author of the book in your hand.
/Imitation clearall Clears all the Imitation data of the item in your hand.
/Imitation clear <types...> Clears the specified Imitation data of the item in your hand Supported types: lore, name, head.
/Imitation head <name> Sets the player of the head in your hand.
Permissions Description Use of Imitation Rename commands.
imitation.lore Use of Imitation Lore commands.
imitation.head Use of Imitation Head commands.
imitation.title Use of book title commands. Use of setting book author commands.
imitation.clear Use of clearing Imitation data from held item.
imitation.potion Use of potion commands.
imitation.reload Use of reload command.
imitation.update Use of update command.


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