

IMGSender - Send images in the chat without client modifications !

With this little plugin, players can send images in the chat with a cache system !

If you love this plugin, you will enjoy this one :D

Thanks to bobacadodl !

How does it works ?

You have only two commands :

/img [url] [size] [char] [text] [player].

[url] - OPTIONAL - The url of the image. Default : Config.Default.URL.

[size] - OPTIONAL - The size of the image. Default : Config.Default.Size.

[char] - OPTIONAL - The char of the image. Can be 'LETTER', 'BLOCK', 'SMALL_BLOCK', 'TRIGRAM', 'DOTTED_SQUARE', 'DIAGONAL', 'DARK_SHADE', 'MEDIUM_SHADE' or 'LIGHT_SHADE' at the moment. Default : Config.Default.Char.

[text] - OPTIONAL - Add a text near to the image. Please end your sentence by a point ! Support colors (Exemple : "&1Skyost is the best !"). Warning ! Do not enter a 'too big' size, otherwise, the text will not appear ! Default : Nothing.

[player] - OPTIONAL - The player who receive the image. Default : All players on the server.

/img-item [url] [size] [char] [text].

[url] - OPTIONAL - The url of the image. Default : Config.Default.URL.

[size] - OPTIONAL - The size of the image. Please note that items limit the size of their lore at 30. Default : Config.Default.Size.

[char] - OPTIONAL - The char of the image (see below). Default : Config.Default.Char.

[text] - OPTIONAL - Add a text at the under the image. Default : Nothing.

You have five permissions :

img.broadcast.send - Allows you to broadcast an image.

img.broadcast.receive - Allows you to receive a broadcasted image.

img.private.send - Allows you to send an image to a single player.

img.private.receive - Allows you to receive an image sent privately.

img.item - Allows you to apply an image to an item.


Please stop your server before editing the configuration !

Config - In this part you can configure how the plugin works.

RescaleOp - In this part you can retouch the image before boradcasting it. Enter "0" to disable it.

Default - In this part you can configure default values.

ImageSize - In this part you can configure image sizes data.

Cache - In this part you can configure the cache.


An example for /img is available here and an example for /img-item is available here.


Services included in the plugin

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to :

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

This plugin uses the Skyupdater too which means that the following may occur :

  • Connection to
  • Plugin version compared against version on
  • Downloading of the plugin from

Before posting comments

I hate comments like this :

Quote from plantj0:

What a useless and bad plugin. Whenever i edit something in the config file it just changes it back.

So please read the documentation and this before posting a comment.

If you want to make a bug report or you want a new feature please use the ticket tracker here.


Development cost time and time is the money of the life. Please feel free to donate.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 13, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 8, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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