
Dispose of your enemies the fancy way!

Need a job done, but don't want to get your hands dirty?
Look no farther! Set a bounty on your target, and let someone else do the work for you!

Note: this is not recommended in real life.


Set a bounty on somebody's head, and the money will be extracted from your account. The next time somebody kills them, they will receive the money! You can even add money onto your bounty (or someone else's)!

Requires Vault to function.

See the Plugin in Action!

Hop on this server, and experience the power of iBounty for yourself!

Command Reference

/bounty <player> <amount> - Set a bounty on somebody.
/lsbounty - List bounties that are available for claiming.
/ibounty <reload|dump> - Reload or dump the config.

Permission Reference

ibounty.mkbounty - Allows the creation of bounties.
ibounty.lsbounty - Allows the listing of bounties.
ibounty.reload - Allows reloading of the config.
ibounty.dump - Allows you to dump the config to chat.


Config file:

    # tax percentage applied when setting a bounty
    BountyTax: 0.0
    # whether to strike lightning on collection of a bounty
    LightningOnKill: false
    # list of worlds iBounty is disabled in
    #- minigamesworld

Locale file:

noCash: '&cYou cannot afford this bounty!'
bountyClaim: '&6You received a bounty reward of &a{1}&6.'
bountyListItem: '&c{1} &7| &a{2}'
adminUsage: '&4Usage: &c/ibounty <dump|reload>'
adminConfigDump: '&cDumping configuration data...'
noPermission: '&cNo permission!'
invalidBounty: '&cBounty values must be valid integers!'
invalidSender: '&cOnly players may use this command!'
noPlayer: '&cPlayer does not exist!'
adminReloadEnd: '&aiBounty reload complete.'
bountyAlert: '&cKill them and claim the bounty for yourself!'
bountySet: '&cBounty of &a{1}&c was set on &6{2}&c by &6{3}&4!'
usage: '&4Usage: &c/bounty <player> <amount>'
vaultBal: '&6New account balance: &a{1}'
bountyClose: '&cBounty of &a{1}&c on &6{2}&c''s head was claimed by &6{3}&c!'
adminReloadStart: '&cReloading iBounty config...'
negativeBounty: '&cBounty values must be positive!'
vaultError: '&cSomething went wrong: {1}'
invalidWorld: '&cBounties are disabled in this world!'
bountyListHeader: '&cListing currently active bounties...'
vaultSuccess: '&6You paid out &a{1}&6 to set a bounty.'
bountyInc: '&cBounty on &6{1}&c''s head was increased to &a{2}&c by &6{3}&c!'
msgPrefix: '&6[&7iBounty&6] &r'
miniPrefix: '&8> &r'

Have fun!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 11, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jun 5, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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