

Horses types

Ever wanted to ride on dead horse? This plugin will revive your horse from death, to extra life, and add some special abilities! That plugin don't let horses to die, but change they looking, and heals them. Also are some other, special abilities, that can make more things with "dead" horses. And in near future, I will add some other things for "dead" horses, like potion effects, speed, bigger jump, sound effects, and other good things.


  • /horserevive - main plugin command, that shows all of the plugin's commands.
  • /horserevive spawn [skeleton/zombie/white] <Me/Player name> - spawns specified type of dead horses.
  • /horserevive reload - reloads plugin's configuration file.
  • /horserevive version - shows current version of plugin.


  • horserevive.spawn - for specified type of dead horses spawning command.
  • horserevive.reload - for plugin's reload command.
  • horserevive.version - for plugin's version command.

Configuration explanation, example

//Type of horse, that will change how horses looks like, the he dead.
//Variables: zombie, skeleton, white
//zombie - then horses is dead, they starts looking like zombie horses.
//skeleton - then horse is dead, they starts looking like skeleton horses.
//white - then horses is dead, they skin color change to white.
Horse_type: zombie

//Health of dead horses.
//Variables: <numbers>, undead, undamageble
//<numbers> - how mutch health horses will get, then he be killed (by default horses have 50 health)
//undead - on horse damage, plugin will set max health to horse, that makes him undead, but that makes damage effect, knockback...
//undamageble - on horse damage, nothing will hapens (horse will don't get damage).
Dead_horse_health: 50

//Who will be horse's owner, then he will killed.
//Variables: killer, oldowner, none, everyone
//killer - player who killed horse, will be he's owner
//oldowner - then horse will be killed, he will belong to old owner, who owned thim, then he was alive
//none - then horse will be killed, then he will be free! Belongs to nothing
//everyone - then horse will be killed, then everyone who interacts with him, will be him owner
Dead_horse_owner: killer

//Message to killer, who kill horse, if above setting is "killer"
//Supports color formats (&<color_code>)
//If sets to "false" (without ""), then no message will shows then horse will be killed.
If_dead_horse_owner_is_killer_message: '&aYou killed horse! Now he belongs to &6You&a!'

Thats all, sorry for my bad EN language, I'm from Lithuania, if you have any problems, ideas or suggestions, just leave a comment... :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 29, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 30, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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