Commands & Permissions

Parameters: [PARAM]: Required, : Optional

Receive duplicate IP alerts

Description: Allow your staff to receive Duplicate IP alerts. Permission:
 • holiotools.staff

Allow the bypassing of caps filter.

 • Description: Allow the bypassing of the Caps checking. Permission:
 • holiotools.usecaps

/Clearall <player>

Description: Clears the inventory and armor of the specified player, or from yourself if no player is specified.
 • holiotools.clearall
 • holiotools.clearall.others

/Down [blocks]

Description: Much like WorldEdit's /up command, this takes you down [blocks]. Useful for finding caves.
 • holiotools.down


Description: Reloads HolioTools and re-generates the config if it doesn't exist.
 • holiotools.reload

/leetspeak <player>

Description: Changes players chat so that Is are 1s, Es are 3s, Ls are 7s, and As are 4s.
 • holiotools.leetspeak
 • holiotools.leetspeak.other


Description: Kicks the sending player. Maybe they will learn they aren't getting OP...
 • holiotools.makeop


Description: Kicks the sending player. Same as OP, but in case they want staff.
 • holiotools.makestaff

/odin [player] <power>

Description: Blow stuff up. Default power is 10 if it isn't specified. Can have unintended affect...
 • holiotools.odin


Alias: /rq
Description: Allows the player to "rage quit" the server.
 • None


Description: Randomly teleports the sending player in a coordinate +- 2000 blocks in any direction from the spawn point.
WARNING: This causes lag if the world chunks are not generated!! Use with caution! (People LOVE spamming this on my server.)
 • holiotools.rtp

/spank [player] <power>

Desciprtion: Spanks the player specified, and can send them flying. Default power is 5 if you don't specify it.
 • holiotools.spank

/whatgm <player>

Description: Tells you what gamemode the specified player is in, or your gamemode if no player.
 • holiotools.whatgm


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