
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



HitmanContract is a plugin where you can place a contract/bounty on someone with an amount of money. Someone can place a contract on different people of the server with an amount of money (set in config.yml). The amount is between your selected values. After that, a hitman (a player with the permissions) can assing the contract to himself of someone. If he accomplish the mission and kill the person he can receive the money of that contract.

How to use



save-after-restart: true    ## Here you tell the plugin if he should save the contracts after server restart/reload.
log-contracts: true    ## Here you'll see the contracts when they're taken and accomplished. (( must have info permission ))
min-bounty: 500    ## The minimum bounty amount.
max-bounty: 1000    ## The maximum bounty amount.

Warning! Do not change anything in system.yml, you may brake the plugin.

Commands & Permissions

/hitmancontract placehitmancontract.placePlace a contract on someone with the desired amountop
/hitmancontract removehitmancontract.removeRemove someone's contractop
/hitmancontract contractshitmancontract.listSee a list of all available contracts and their bountyop
/hitmancontract assignhitmancontract.assignAssign to you someone's contract, you can kill him afterop
nonehitmancontract.infoSee when a contract is taken and accomplished.op

[!] Remember, you can always use the alias '/hc'.

Metrics / Stats

Coming soon!


  • Vault
  • An economy system
  • A permission system


Every donation is appreciated. Remember, the donations does not affect the plugin's publish time. I'm working on it whenever i can, but the donations may bring better coding.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 15, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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