
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin provides you a brand new gamemode. First of all you should kill some pigs, for getting their heads. If you have collected enough pig head, you can sell them by right clicking to one of the two offered signs of the plugin (sellHand and sellAll). You can get xp and money for the heads, which you can use for buy other staff, like spawners on the server, or by ranking up. Ranking up requires some xp, and optionally takes some money from your account. It also gives you the ability to get heads of better mobs, like cows and chickens and sell them for more xp and more money. The plugin also contains the ability to deny placing spawners of not unlocked mobs.



This dependency handles the plugins configuration and language file, so without it the plugin won't work. Download link


You need to use this dependency if you would like to connect this plugin with your servers economy to be able to make rankup cost some money. This dependency is not required for adding money for heads, and it's also not required if you don't want to use economy in the plugin. Download link

Essentials or other economy manager plugin

You need to have a plugin, which handles the balances on your server. You can set the money giving command in the config, if you are not using Essentials, but you are using another economy manager plugin. You don't need this dependency if you don't want to use economy in the plugin.


/rankup: Rankup to the next rank

permission: headrank.use ​


headrank.use: For accessing every function of the plugin​


The plugin has two custom signs: The SellHand and the SellAll sign. You can configure the lines of these signs in the config. The SellHand sign sells your mob heads from your hand, and the SellAll sign sells your mob heads from your whole inventory.


You can set almost everything in the configuration. The default configuration looks like:

#Universal head configuration: data-value owner dropchance sell-price sell-xp displayname
  PLAYER: 3 <name> 1 10 1  §9§l<name>s head
  CREEPER: 4 Creeper 0.8 10 1 §a§lCreeper head
  SKELETON: 0 Skeleton 0.8 10 1 §7§lSkeleton head
  WITHER: 1 WitherSkeleton 0.8 10 1 §5§lWither skeleton head
  SPIDER: 3 MHF_Spider 0.8 10 1 §4§lSpider head
  GIANT: 2 Giant 0.8 10 1 §2§lGiant head
  ZOMBIE: 2 Zombie 0.8 10 1 §2§lZombie head
  SLIME: 3 HappyHappyMan 0.8 10 1 §a§lSlime head
  GHAST: 3 MHF_Ghast 0.8 10 1 §7§lGhast head
  PIG_ZOMBIE: 3 MHF_PigZombie 0.8 10 1 §c§lZombie pigman head
  ENDERMAN: 3 MHF_Enderman 0.8 10 1 §0§lEnderman head
  CAVE_SPIDER: 3 MHF_CaveSpider 0.8 10 1 §4§lCavespider head
  SILVERFISH: 3 Xzomag 0.8 10 1 §8§lSilverfish head
  BLAZE: 3 MHF_Blaze 0.8 10 1 §6§lBlaze head
  MAGMA_CUBE: 3 MHF_LavaSlime 0.8 10 1 §6§lMagma§4§lCube §e§lhead
  ENDER_DRAGON: 3 EnderDragon 0.8 10 1 §0§lEnderDragon head
  WITHER: 1 Wither 0.8 10 1 §5§lWither head
  BAT: 3 bozzobrain 0.8 10 1 §d§lBat head
  WITCH: 3 scrafbrothers4 0.8 10 1 §d§lWitch head
  ENDERMITE: 3 AlexVMiner 0.8 10 1 §d§lEndermite head
  GUARDIAN: 3 Guardian 0.8 10 1 §2§lGuardian head
  PIG: 3 MHF_Pig 0.8 10 1 §c§lPig head
  SHEEP: 3 MHF_Sheep 0.8 10 1 §f§lSheep head
  COW: 3 MHF_Cow 0.8 25 5 §b§lCow head
  CHICKEN: 3 MHF_Chicken 0.8 40 10 §e§lChicken head
  SQUID: 3 MHF_Squid 0.8 10 1 §9§lSquid head
  WOLF: 3 Pablo_Penguin 0.8 10 1 §8§lWolf head
  MUSHROOM_COW: 3 MHF_MushroomCow 0.8 10 1 §4§lMushroom cow head
  SNOWMAN: 3 Koebasti 0.8 10 1 §f§lSnowman head
  OCELOT: 3 MHF_Ocelot 0.8 10 1 §e§lOcelot head
  IRON_GOLEM: 3 MHF_Golem 0.8 10 1 §f§lIronGolem head
  HORSE: 3 gavertoso 0.8 10 1 §6§lHorse head
  RABBIT: 3 rabbit2077 0.8 10 1 §c§lRabbit head
  VILLAGER: 3 MHF_Villager 0.8 10 1 §3§lVillager head
  - Sell
  - Hand
  - Sell
  - All
moneyGiveCommand: eco give <player> <money>
vaultHook: +
#Rankup level config(exp-need money-need unlocked-mobs)
  - 0 100 PIG
  - 100 1000 COW CHICKEN

Why doesn't it work?

Because you have forgot to install the SpigotLib dependency, you can download it from here.


The plugin currently only supports the English language, but if you would like to, you can translate it, and send me your translation in Skype, so I could add it to the plugin.


If you would like to see a new feature in the plugin, you can write it down here in a form of comment


There aren't any known bugs in the plugin, if you found one, please post a comment here, with the stacktrace/error report uploaded to pastebin .


If you have any questions about the plugin or you need a custom plugin for your server, contact me in Skype. My Skype name is gyuriskipe.


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  • 1.0
    Aug 31, 2015