SimpleGUI Creator API

You need to [soft]depend on "SimpleGUI Creator"


GuiAPI api = ((SimpleGUI) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("SimpleGUI Creator")).getAPI(Your Plugin Here);

guiAPI.openGUI(guiTitle, player);
guiAPI.createGUI(guiTitle, rows, Items[], Actions[]);
guiAPI.editGUI(guiTitle, position, itemName, item, action);
guiAPI.tempGUI(guiTitle, rows, Items[], Actions[]);
getGUIs(); - Set<String>
  • Returns a list of all GUI Titles/Names
getGUI(guiTitle); - InventoryMenu
  • guiTitle - Gets the GUI with the specified name, null if GUI Title does not exist
  • Color Codes in here will make this always return null
openGUI(guiTitle, player); - boolean
  • guiTitle - The GUI Name that is the "GUI.Name"
  • player - The player with which to open the GUI from
createGUI(guiTitle, rows, Items[], Actions[]); - boolean
  • This GUI will only be removed on plugin reload
  • guiTitle - Creates a GUI with the specified name
  • rows - How many rows should the GUI be
  • Items[] - "ItemStack[] items = new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Material.STONE), new ItemStack(Material.DIRT) };
    • Supports ItemMeta... This means add any lore, item name, amount, damage value you want and that GUI will have it
    • First Item is slot 1, second item is slot 2, etc
    • If you have a slot that you want to be nothing make the Item Type be Material.AIR
  • Actions[] - A String[] of actions for this GUI.
    • First String is slot 1, second string is slot 2, etc
    • If you have a slot that you don't want to have an action just do ""
    • The actions line up with the Items[]
editGUI(guiTitle, position, itemName, item, action); - boolean
  • guiTitle - The GUI to edit
  • position - the Slot you want to change
  • Item - This is an ItemStack, also supports ItemMeta
  • action - A String, Change the action to this.
tempGUI(guiTitle, rows, Items[], Actions[]); - InventoryMenu
  • This GUI will be removed as soon as someone opens it. PS... If you create multiple tempGUIs with the same name then there will be problems
  • guiTitle - Create a Temp GUI that will be removed after its used
  • rows - How many rows should the GUI be
  • Items[] - "ItemStack[] items = new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Material.STONE), new ItemStack(Material.DIRT) };
    • Supports ItemMeta... This means add any lore, item name, amount, damage value you want and that GUI will have it
    • First Item is slot 1, second item is slot 2, etc
    • If you have a slot that you want to be nothing make the Item Type be Material.AIR
  • Actions[] - A String[] of actions for this GUI.
    • First String is slot 1, second string is slot 2, etc
    • If you have a slot that you don't want to have an action just do ""
    • The actions line up with the Items[]

GUI Events

public class GUIListener implements Listener {
    public void onGUIClick(GUIClickEvent event) {

    public void onGUIClose(GUICloseEvent event) {

    public void onGUICreate(GUICreateEvent event) {
        event.getFile(); //Not implemented... Commented out

    public void onGUIOpen(GUIOpenEvent event) {


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