
GriefLog Banner Image

We are discussing plans for Sponge and GlowStone support. Please be patient :)

If you are using WorldEdit 6.0 or later please use the 5.2.2 version. If you are using WorldEdit 5.x.y please use version 5.2.3-worldedit, thank you.


The GriefLog wiki is filled with information about GriefLog. We have some information below, but the wiki is much more descriptive.


Latest build that is approved by bukkit.

Development Downloads

This build is not approved by bukkit, but it is the most recent, development build. If bukkit updates and GriefLog is not compatible, this is a good place to look for an update.

build status
GriefLog Source

You can find the latest GriefLog source code here at GitHub. However, if you would rather not just compile it, we recommend downloading the latest Dev Download. (Information Above)


You can use these permission nodes to allow other users to do certain things.


How many times has someone on your server told you that someone griefed there house, but they don't know who did it? Well, this is a great way to fix that. GriefLog will log every event that happens within your server. It will also separate the log files into worlds. So now you can prove that it was in fact a griefer. Now, you don't need to actually go into the log files, you can take out your GriefLog tool and left click on a block, it will bring up the information. You can also simply use a command to roll back the grief. More information is below.


So what exactly does GriefLog log? What can it do to help me? Well, GriefLog will log just about anything. It then saves it to a file called GriefLog.txt which can be found in "<YourServerDirectory>/logs/<world>/grieflog.txt." It is the same on every operating system. Here is a list of exactly GriefLog will log:

  • When a player joins the server
  • When a player breaks a block
  • When a player places a block
  • When a player uses a command
  • When a player changes the world they are in (e.g. Entering the nether)
  • When a player leaves the server
  • If a player's game mode changes
  • If a block is ignited
  • If a bucket is emptied
  • If an Enderman takes or places a block
  • If a Zombie breaks down a door
  • If there is any kind of explosion

All of this is logged to a very simple layout. You can choose a block with the GriefLog tool, Use the Search command, or look through the GriefLog.txt files.


We have many different commands to try and make the plugin as simple as possible to use.

  • /glog - This will show you the version of GriefLog you are running.
  • /glog tool - This will provide you with the GriefLog tool. You can set the tool in the config.yml
  • /glog rollback <options> - to use roll backs, please read the section on our wiki here.
  • /glog search <options> - You can search certain events. The options are the same used on the rollbacks.
  • /glog page <page_number> - This will let you go through the other pages of your most recent search.
  • /glog help - This will bring up the same information you see right here but within your Minecraft Client.
  • /glog undo <id> - This will undo the rollback associated with the ID. Do not provide an ID to undo the most recent rollback.
  • /glog report - This will report a grief. It will alert the admins of a report when they log in.
  • /glog report view - Admins can view information of a grief report. It shows the location of the report, and the reporter.

Need Help?

We are here for you! Feel free to leave a comment, or better leave a ticket. **IMPORTANT**If you are willing to leave the IP address of your server within your ticket, pm, or comment, BlackWolf will be able to enter your server and will have the permission to use the /glog command to see what version you are running. You can disable this feature in the config.yml.

Did you find a bug?

If you find bugs in my plugin feel free to post a comment on this page, send us a pm, or add a ticket. Important: Check your inbox regularly to see if I replied!


If you want to donate some money because of my awesome work (:P) you can click the donate button on the right on the top of this page. Anything would be appreciated, but you don't have to if you don't want to or can't :)


GriefLog creates debug logs, since 5.2.0, in the plugin directory in case there is a problem. You can disable this in the configuration file with the option debug-logging. When you set this to false it will not log any debug information. This information is only used by me to find out more about a bug you might encounter. It will log things like how long it takes to search a file, what is being searched for and if there are any problems when searching, for instance a data type that has been corrupted that can cause the search to fail.

External connections

Since version 5.2.3 GriefLog uses an external service to get the UUID from his name. This has to be done because the search tries to find the UUID of the player you search for in the logs instead of his name. This is because when 1.8 gets here you can change your name, but you can't change your UUID. But to make sure that searching doesn't get more complicated I needed a way to let you guys search for a players name while GriefLog searches for his UUID. For that I currently use an external service until Bukkit will provide one for me, or if they don't I'll keep using this one.

GriefLog is open source, and free to use and modify.


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