
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

What is this plugin?

Grief Guard is a very light weight plugin which can help you stop griefers.

What are the features?

This plugin comes with its very own log file! The log can be founded in the plugin folder. The log file logs every time someone tries to do any of the blocked events! (TNT Protection, Block Protection and Lava Protection)

- Block Protection:

Disables the placing of any block!

- TNT Protection:

Disables TNT from exploding and from being placed!

- Lava Protection:

Disables refilling or emptying lava buckets!

Log File

CactusCombo tried to break GRASS at 203, 63, 184
CactusCombo tried to place LAVA at 213, 63, 194

The plugin also comes with a config file which you can use to enable or disable the events!

Config File

  BlockProtection: 'true'
  TNTProtection: 'true'
  LavaProtection: 'true'

You simply change the values from either true or false to enable or disable that certain feature!

You can also edit the config with in-game commands!


/tnttoggle <enable, disable> - Allows you to change the value of the TNT Protection feature

/blocktoggle <enable, disable> - Allows you to change the value of the Block Protection feature

/lavatoggle <enable, disable> - Allows you to change the value of the Lava Protection feature


griefguard.block - Allows you to bypass the Block Protection

griefguard.lava - Allows you to bypass the Lava Protection

griefguard.tnt - Allows you to bypass the TNT Protection

griefguard.tnttoggle - Allows you to use the /tnttoggle command

griefguard.lavatoggle - Allows you to use the /lavatoggle command

griefguard.blocktoggle - Allows you to use the /blocktoggle command

Servers which use this:

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 13, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 13, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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