
This Page explains the Configuration.

Note: This Page can be more up to date than the latest Version shown in the File Section. Compare the ConfigVersion with your Version!

Every Time value is given in Ticks. 20 Ticks are (on normal server speed) 1 Second!

ConfigVersion: '1.2'
#Add your Grenades under this Section
  Explosive: #Explosive = Name of the Grenade
    Material: EGG #Grenade Material has to be written Uppercase  
    Durability: 2000 #0 is the default Durability 
    Description: #Description text when you hover over the item. Colors supported by '&+colorLetter'. Each "-" entry line represents a line in game.
    - '&7Explodes like TNT'
    - '&4Power: 4'
    GiveCost: 10 #When you use '/grenade give explosion' it costs you 10 units of your server currency
    ThrowCost: 0 #Set a value to take money from the user when he throws a grenade
    Protections: #Add 'WorldGuard' or 'Factions:FactionName'
    - WorldGuard #Grenade won't explode in WorldGuard Regions + you can't throw Grenades while in WorldGuard Regions.
    - Factions:SafeZone #Grenade won't explode in SafeZone + you can't throw Grenades while in SafeZone
    Effects: #Scroll down to read more about Effects
    - explosion:4
    Material: SNOW_BALL
    Durability: 2000
    - '&7Creates a Lightning'
    GiveCost: 10
    ThrowCost: 0
    - thunder:1
    Material: FIREBALL
    Durability: 0
    - '&7Splashs like a Molotow-Cocktail'
    - '&4Range: 5'
    GiveCost: 10
    ThrowCost: 0
    - fire:5
    Material: COAL
    Durability: 2000
    - '&7Lets near Players become Blind'
    - '&4Range: 2'
    GiveCost: 10
    ThrowCost: 0
    - potion:2:BLINDNESS:60:1:120
#If CheckItemName is true the Name of the Item in Hand must be equals to the Grenade Name (default Grenade Names: "Explosive", "Thunder", "Fireball", "Blindness")
CheckItemName: false
#If OnlyThrowWhileSneaking is true you can only throw grenades (using left click) while you hold your sneak button (default: shift)
OnlyThrowWhileSneaking: false

List of Materials


Every Time Value has to be set in Ticks (1 Tick = 1/20 Second)

Effect NameSetupExampleExtra Descrption
explosionexplosion:power:setBlocksOnFire:destroyBlocksexplosion:4:false:trueExample is equals to TNT
firefire:rangefire:4The Range is a Radius of Blocks around the Grenades position
thunderthunder:powerthunder:1The Power is currently Meaningless but has to be added
potionpotion:range:pEffect:duration:power:airTimepotion:3:BLINDNESS:60:1:120airTime is the Time the Grenade exists on floor and adds pEffect to Players. List of Potion Effects (look here for the Name)


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