Glacy Staff Chat
Having a ingame staff chat has become more or less a must-have for all servers. It allows for quick and easy communication between all staff members that are ingame. Originally meant as a private plugin for the public server I run, I decided to publish it seeing as there aren't many up-to-date, working plugins like this out there. And by the way, if you are wondering what "ho" is, it's a reference to the "helpop" command that many used to use a long time ago when there were no staff chat plugins.


/ho <message>Sends a message in staff chat.glacy.staffchat
/thoToggles speaking in staff chat and global chat.glacy.staffchat
/hoa <message>Sends an announcement in staff chatglacy.staffchat.announce
/gscOnly typing the command will display general information about the plugin along with its current version. Along with the arguments shown below you can configure the updateChecker and reload the plugin.(No permission needed)                         
noneIf you have this permission, you will be notified when you join if a new version is available.glacy.staffchat.update

Arguments for /gsc

rl, r, or reloadReloads the pluginglacy.staffchat.config.reload
helpShows arguments available with the player's permissionsnone
updaterShows you what all updater settings are set toglacy.staffchat.updater
updater (true/false)Completely enable/disable the updaterglacy.staffchat.config.updater
updater notify (ingame/console) (true/false)Set ingame/console notifying of new version to true/falseglacy.staffchat.config.updater
updater download (true/false)Set auto download and deploy of new version to true/falseglacy.staffchat.config.updater
updater helpShows help for /gsc updaterglacy.staffchat.config.updater
clShows you if tho, ho, and hoa have console logging
cl (tho/ho/hoa) (true/false)Sets console logging for tho, ho, or hoa to true/false

Default Config

  enabled: true
    console: true
    ingame: true
  download: false
  prefix: '&bSTAFF:'
  msgColor: '&3'
  gscMsgColor: '&3'
  valueColor: '&6'
  hoaPrefix: '&bSTAFF ANNOUNCEMENT:'
  hoaColor: '&6'
  tho: true
  ho: false
  hoa: false
  • updater
    • enabled = If this is false, the updater will be completely disabled
    • notify
      • console = If true, will send a message in console when starting up if a new version is available
      • ingame = If a new version is available and a player joins with the correct permission, a message will be sent to that player.
    • download = If true, when a new version is available the plugin will automatically download it and it will be activated on the next reload/restart
  • looks
    • prefix = The prefix that will display when using the Staff Chat commands.
    • msgColor = Color of the /ho message.
    • gscMsgColor = Color of the predefined message commands.
    • valueColor = Color of values that can be changed (eg. Successfully set updateChecker to false)
    • hoaPrefix = Prefix of staff chat announcements.
    • hoaColor = Color of staff chat announcement messages.
  • console-logging
    • tho = If true, will log all tho messages in console (with colors)
    • ho = If true, will log all ho messages in console (with colors). Recommended to set to false.
    • hoa = If true, will log all hoa messages in console (with colors). Recommended to set to false.

Demonstration (Updated for v1.0.1)


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