
Have you ever wanted your players to spectate other players but not be invisible? This plugin allows your players to be able to essentially watch other and not interact with them, but lets the player know that someone else is watching.

Features: - Player become invincible - Player cannot hurt anyone, cannot break or place any blocks - Player cannot use any items in hand, open blocks inventories, open doors, push buttons, mount entities - Player cannot drop items or pick up items - 10 seconds cooldown on entering/exiting ghost mode - Player CAN chat, move around, use commands

Inspired by:

- This could easily be used as a cosmetic donator perk -

What's new:

  • Changed the command from /gm to /ghostmode.
  • Added a customizable per-permission based restriction. Keep in mind you can use gm.all to enable all the restrictions without typing all the other ones out


Drop the plugin into your plugins directory. To enable default functions, add the permissions "gm.use" and "gm.all" to the player. For customizibility, remove gm.all and add the specific permissions below.


  • /ghostmode help - Shows the help screen
  • /ghostmode on - Toggles GhostMode on
  • /ghostmode off - Toggles GhostMode off
  • /ghostmode list - Lists all the players with GhostMode
  • /ghostmode toggle <player> - Toggles GhostMode for a player


* gm.use - Allows usage of /gm on or off
* gm.admin - Allows usage of /gm list and /gm toggle
* gm.all - Enables all the permissions below:
* gm.invincible - Allows you to be invincible in GhostMode
* gm.damageothers - Restricts damage to other entities in GhostMode
* - Restricts building in GhostMode
* gm.interact - Restricts interaction in GhostMode
* gm.inv - Restricts dropping/picking up items in GhostMode


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 10, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Mar 11, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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