General Job Plugin

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General Server Plugin - G.S.P


I made this plugin in about 1 and a half days. This plugin has a lot of functionality, it has jobs built in, money system, shop, item teleportation(means you can teleport where you are looking when holding an item), rules, and more coming soon.... this plugin is great for people who want their server to be clean and without ton of plugins... This plugin is really effective and is customizable in everyway. if you have any ideas you can leave them in the comments and if the ideas are possible, i will add them to this plugin, or make a new plugin instead. if you find any bugs with the plugin, please report them in the comments, so i could fix them as soon as possible. Thank you for reading, enjoy :)

* Features:

  • Jobs - Miner/Hunter/Farmer, plus customizable values. (how much money you get, what block you need to mine, etc...)
  • /online - Shows how much players are online.
  • Economy system - A new money system made by me, this system connects to the jobs and the shop system, so you won't need any other money plugins.
  • Shop system - This system connects to the Economy system and is really easy to use, example:
    • [GJPshop]
    • STONE
    • 10
  • This sign will sell a stone block in the cost of 10$ each.(Right click on a shop sign to buy).



* Commands:

  • /job <jobname> Description: Get a job!
  • /jobs Description: Shows the available jobs.
  • /money Description: See your money balance!
  • /rules Description: Shows the available jobs.
  • /online Description: Shows how much players are online.

== * And there are also permission for this plugin, the permission are: ==

  • - (To access the /online command, to see how much players are online).
  • - gjp.rules (To access the /rules command, to see the server's rules).
  • - gjp.othermoney (To see other players money, /money playername).
  • - (To see your money balance).
  • - gjp.itemteleport (To be able to teleport when right clicking with the item specified in the config.yml).
  • - gjp.usesign (To be able to use a shop sign).
  • - gjp.createsign (To be able to create a shop sign).

* Note: == This plugin is not finished, and there will be bugs, and a lot of command, permission and other stuff are missing. I'm working as fast as i can to improve this plugin, if you encounter any bug please report them in the comments section.

* Another note: == I also make plugins by request for 10$ each plugin. contact me if you are interested.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 1, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Aug 1, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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